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@file Adafruit_PN532.cpp
Forked from on 2023-04-21 to add FeliCa support
@section intro_sec Introduction
Driver for NXP's PN532 NFC/13.56MHz RFID Transceiver
This is a library for the Adafruit PN532 NFC/RFID breakout boards
This library works with the Adafruit NFC breakout
Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
These chips use SPI or I2C to communicate.
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
@section author Author
Adafruit Industries
@section license License
BSD (see license.txt)
@section HISTORY
v2.2 - Added startPassiveTargetIDDetection() to start card detection and
readDetectedPassiveTargetID() to read it, useful when using the
IRQ pin.
v2.1 - Added NTAG2xx helper functions
v2.0 - Refactored to add I2C support from Adafruit_NFCShield_I2C library.
v1.4 - Added setPassiveActivationRetries()
v1.2 - Added writeGPIO()
- Added readGPIO()
v1.1 - Changed readPassiveTargetID() to handle multiple UID sizes
- Added the following helper functions for text display
static void PrintHex(const byte * data, const uint32_t numBytes)
static void PrintHexChar(const byte * pbtData, const uint32_t
- Added the following Mifare Classic functions:
bool mifareclassic_IsFirstBlock (uint32_t uiBlock)
bool mifareclassic_IsTrailerBlock (uint32_t uiBlock)
uint8_t mifareclassic_AuthenticateBlock (uint8_t * uid, uint8_t
uidLen, uint32_t blockNumber, uint8_t keyNumber, uint8_t * keyData) uint8_t
mifareclassic_ReadDataBlock (uint8_t blockNumber, uint8_t * data) uint8_t
mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock (uint8_t blockNumber, uint8_t * data)
- Added the following Mifare Ultalight functions:
uint8_t mifareultralight_ReadPage (uint8_t page, uint8_t * buffer)
#include "Adafruit_PN532.h"
byte pn532ack[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
0x00, 0xFF, 0x00}; ///< ACK message from PN532
byte pn532response_firmwarevers[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
0x06, 0xFA, 0xD5}; ///< Expected firmware version message from PN532
// Uncomment these lines to enable debug output for PN532(SPI) and/or MIFARE
// related code
2023-04-21 22:54:08 +02:00
//#define PN532DEBUG
//#define PN532CARDDEBUG
// If using Native Port on Arduino Zero or Due define as SerialUSB
#define PN532DEBUGPRINT Serial ///< Fixed name for debug Serial instance
//#define PN532DEBUGPRINT SerialUSB ///< Fixed name for debug Serial instance
#define PN532_PACKBUFFSIZ 64 ///< Packet buffer size in bytes
byte pn532_packetbuffer[PN532_PACKBUFFSIZ]; ///< Packet buffer used in various
///< transactions
@brief Instantiates a new PN532 class using software SPI.
@param clk SPI clock pin (SCK)
@param miso SPI MISO pin
@param mosi SPI MOSI pin
@param ss SPI chip select pin (CS/SSEL)
Adafruit_PN532::Adafruit_PN532(uint8_t clk, uint8_t miso, uint8_t mosi,
uint8_t ss) {
_cs = ss;
spi_dev = new Adafruit_SPIDevice(ss, clk, miso, mosi, 1000000,
@brief Instantiates a new PN532 class using I2C.
@param irq Location of the IRQ pin
@param reset Location of the RSTPD_N pin
@param theWire pointer to I2C bus to use
Adafruit_PN532::Adafruit_PN532(uint8_t irq, uint8_t reset, TwoWire* theWire)
: _irq(irq), _reset(reset) {
pinMode(_irq, INPUT);
pinMode(_reset, OUTPUT);
i2c_dev = new Adafruit_I2CDevice(PN532_I2C_ADDRESS, theWire);
@brief Instantiates a new PN532 class using hardware SPI.
@param ss SPI chip select pin (CS/SSEL)
@param theSPI pointer to the SPI bus to use
Adafruit_PN532::Adafruit_PN532(uint8_t ss, SPIClass* theSPI) {
_cs = ss;
2023-07-14 23:00:46 +02:00
spi_dev = new Adafruit_SPIDevice(ss, 100000, SPI_BITORDER_LSBFIRST,
@brief Instantiates a new PN532 class using hardware UART (HSU).
@param reset Location of the RSTPD_N pin
@param theSer pointer to HardWare Serial bus to use
Adafruit_PN532::Adafruit_PN532(uint8_t reset, HardwareSerial* theSer)
: _reset(reset) {
pinMode(_reset, OUTPUT);
ser_dev = theSer;
@brief Setups the HW
@returns true if successful, otherwise false
bool Adafruit_PN532::begin() {
if (spi_dev) {
// SPI initialization
if (!spi_dev->begin()) {
return false;
} else if (i2c_dev) {
// I2C initialization
// PN532 will fail address check since its asleep, so suppress
if (!i2c_dev->begin(false)) {
return false;
} else if (ser_dev) {
// clear out anything in read buffer
while (ser_dev->available())
} else {
// no interface specified
return false;
reset(); // HW reset - put in known state
wakeup(); // hey! wakeup!
return true;
@brief Perform a hardware reset. Requires reset pin to have been provided.
void Adafruit_PN532::reset(void) {
// see Datasheet p.209, Fig.48 for timings
if (_reset != -1) {
digitalWrite(_reset, LOW);
delay(1); // min 20ns
digitalWrite(_reset, HIGH);
delay(2); // max 2ms
@brief Wakeup from LowVbat mode into Normal Mode.
void Adafruit_PN532::wakeup(void) {
// interface specific wakeups - each one is unique!
if (spi_dev) {
// hold CS low for 2ms
digitalWrite(_cs, LOW);
} else if (ser_dev) {
uint8_t w[3] = {0x55, 0x00, 0x00};
ser_dev->write(w, 3);
// PN532 will clock stretch I2C during SAMConfig as a "wakeup"
// need to config SAM to stay in Normal Mode
@brief Prints a hexadecimal value in plain characters
@param data Pointer to the byte data
@param numBytes Data length in bytes
void Adafruit_PN532::PrintHex(const byte* data, const uint32_t numBytes) {
uint32_t szPos;
for (szPos = 0; szPos < numBytes; szPos++) {
// Append leading 0 for small values
if (data[szPos] <= 0xF)
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(data[szPos] & 0xff, HEX);
if ((numBytes > 1) && (szPos != numBytes - 1)) {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" "));
@brief Prints a hexadecimal value in plain characters, along with
the char equivalents in the following format
00 00 00 00 00 00 ......
@param data Pointer to the byte data
@param numBytes Data length in bytes
void Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(const byte* data, const uint32_t numBytes) {
uint32_t szPos;
for (szPos = 0; szPos < numBytes; szPos++) {
// Append leading 0 for small values
if (data[szPos] <= 0xF)
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(data[szPos], HEX);
if ((numBytes > 1) && (szPos != numBytes - 1)) {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" "));
for (szPos = 0; szPos < numBytes; szPos++) {
if (data[szPos] <= 0x1F)
@brief Checks the firmware version of the PN5xx chip
@returns The chip's firmware version and ID
uint32_t Adafruit_PN532::getFirmwareVersion(void) {
uint32_t response;
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_GETFIRMWAREVERSION;
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 1)) {
return 0;
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 13);
// check some basic stuff
if (0 != memcmp((char *)pn532_packetbuffer,
(char *)pn532response_firmwarevers, 6)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Firmware doesn't match!"));
return 0;
int offset = 7;
response = pn532_packetbuffer[offset++];
response <<= 8;
response |= pn532_packetbuffer[offset++];
response <<= 8;
response |= pn532_packetbuffer[offset++];
response <<= 8;
response |= pn532_packetbuffer[offset++];
return response;
@brief Sends a command and waits a specified period for the ACK
@param cmd Pointer to the command buffer
@param cmdlen The size of the command in bytes
@param timeout timeout before giving up
@returns 1 if everything is OK, 0 if timeout occured before an
ACK was recieved
// default timeout of one second
bool Adafruit_PN532::sendCommandCheckAck(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdlen,
uint16_t timeout) {
// I2C works without using IRQ pin by polling for RDY byte
// seems to work best with some delays between transactions
uint8_t SLOWDOWN = 0;
if (i2c_dev)
// write the command
writecommand(cmd, cmdlen);
// Wait for chip to say its ready!
if (!waitready(timeout)) {
return false;
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
if (spi_dev == NULL) {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("IRQ received"));
// read acknowledgement
if (!readack()) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("No ACK frame received!"));
return false;
// Wait for chip to say its ready!
if (!waitready(timeout)) {
return false;
return true; // ack'd command
@brief Writes an 8-bit value that sets the state of the PN532's GPIO
@param pinstate P3 pins state.
@warning This function is provided exclusively for board testing and
is dangerous since it will throw an error if any pin other
than the ones marked "Can be used as GPIO" are modified! All
pins that can not be used as GPIO should ALWAYS be left high
(value = 1) or the system will become unstable and a HW reset
will be required to recover the PN532.
pinState[0] = P30 Can be used as GPIO
pinState[1] = P31 Can be used as GPIO
pinState[2] = P32 *** RESERVED (Must be 1!) ***
pinState[3] = P33 Can be used as GPIO
pinState[4] = P34 *** RESERVED (Must be 1!) ***
pinState[5] = P35 Can be used as GPIO
@return 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
bool Adafruit_PN532::writeGPIO(uint8_t pinstate) {
// uint8_t errorbit;
// Make sure pinstate does not try to toggle P32 or P34
pinstate |= (1 << PN532_GPIO_P32) | (1 << PN532_GPIO_P34);
// Fill command buffer
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_WRITEGPIO;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = PN532_GPIO_VALIDATIONBIT | pinstate; // P3 Pins
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = 0x00; // P7 GPIO Pins (not used ... taken by SPI)
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Writing P3 GPIO: "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[1], HEX);
// Send the WRITEGPIO command (0x0E)
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 3))
return 0x0;
// Read response packet (00 FF PLEN PLENCHECKSUM D5 CMD+1(0x0F) DATACHECKSUM
// 00)
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 8);
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Received: "));
PrintHex(pn532_packetbuffer, 8);
int offset = 6;
return (pn532_packetbuffer[offset] == 0x0F);
Reads the state of the PN532's GPIO pins
@returns An 8-bit value containing the pin state where:
pinState[0] = P30
pinState[1] = P31
pinState[2] = P32
pinState[3] = P33
pinState[4] = P34
pinState[5] = P35
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::readGPIO(void) {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_READGPIO;
// Send the READGPIO command (0x0C)
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 1))
return 0x0;
// Read response packet (00 FF PLEN PLENCHECKSUM D5 CMD+1(0x0D) P3 P7 IO1
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 11);
/* READGPIO response should be in the following format:
byte Description
------------- ------------------------------------------
b0..5 Frame header and preamble (with I2C there is an extra 0x00)
b6 P3 GPIO Pins
b7 P7 GPIO Pins (not used ... taken by SPI)
b8 Interface Mode Pins (not used ... bus select pins)
b9..10 checksum */
int p3offset = 7;
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Received: "));
PrintHex(pn532_packetbuffer, 11);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("P3 GPIO: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[p3offset], HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("P7 GPIO: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[p3offset + 1], HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("IO GPIO: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[p3offset + 2], HEX);
// Note: You can use the IO GPIO value to detect the serial bus being used
switch (pn532_packetbuffer[p3offset + 2]) {
case 0x00: // Using UART
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Using UART (IO = 0x00)"));
case 0x01: // Using I2C
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Using I2C (IO = 0x01)"));
case 0x02: // Using SPI
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Using SPI (IO = 0x02)"));
return pn532_packetbuffer[p3offset];
@brief Configures the SAM (Secure Access Module)
@return true on success, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_PN532::SAMConfig(void) {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_SAMCONFIGURATION;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 0x01; // normal mode;
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = 0x14; // timeout 50ms * 20 = 1 second
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = 0x01; // use IRQ pin!
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 4))
return false;
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 9);
int offset = 6;
return (pn532_packetbuffer[offset] == 0x15);
Sets the MxRtyPassiveActivation byte of the RFConfiguration register
@param maxRetries 0xFF to wait forever, 0x00..0xFE to timeout
after mxRetries
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
bool Adafruit_PN532::setPassiveActivationRetries(uint8_t maxRetries) {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_RFCONFIGURATION;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 5; // Config item 5 (MaxRetries)
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = 0xFF; // MxRtyATR (default = 0xFF)
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = 0x01; // MxRtyPSL (default = 0x01)
pn532_packetbuffer[4] = maxRetries;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Setting MxRtyPassiveActivation to "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(maxRetries, DEC);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F(" "));
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 5))
return 0x0; // no ACK
return 1;
/***** ISO14443A Commands ******/
@brief Waits for an ISO14443A target to enter the field and reads
its ID.
@param cardbaudrate Baud rate of the card
@param uid Pointer to the array that will be populated
with the card's UID (up to 7 bytes)
@param uidLength Pointer to the variable that will hold the
length of the card's UID.
@param timeout Timeout in milliseconds.
@return 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
bool Adafruit_PN532::readPassiveTargetID(uint8_t cardbaudrate, uint8_t* uid,
uint8_t* uidLength, uint16_t timeout) {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INLISTPASSIVETARGET;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; // max 1 cards at once (we can set this to 2 later)
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = cardbaudrate;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
if (cardbaudrate == PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A) {
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 3, timeout)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("No card(s) read"));
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
return 0x0; // no cards read
return readDetectedPassiveTargetID(uid, uidLength);
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
else { // FeliCa
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
uint16_t systemCode = 0x0003; // Trigger express transit for CJRC Standard cards (Suica, PASMO, etc.)
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = FELICA_CMD_POLLING;
pn532_packetbuffer[4] = (systemCode >> 8) & 0xFF;
pn532_packetbuffer[5] = systemCode & 0xFF;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
pn532_packetbuffer[6] = 0x01;
pn532_packetbuffer[7] = 0x00;
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 8, timeout)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("No card(s) read"));
return 0x0; // no cards read
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
return readDetectedPassiveTargetIDFeliCa(uid, uidLength);
@brief Put the reader in detection mode, non blocking so interrupts
must be enabled.
@param cardbaudrate Baud rate of the card
@return 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
bool Adafruit_PN532::startPassiveTargetIDDetection(uint8_t cardbaudrate) {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INLISTPASSIVETARGET;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; // max 1 cards at once (we can set this to 2 later)
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = cardbaudrate;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
if (cardbaudrate == PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A) {
return sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 3);
else { // FeliCa
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
uint16_t systemCode = 0x0003; // Trigger express transit for CJRC Standard cards (Suica, PASMO, etc.)
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = FELICA_CMD_POLLING;
pn532_packetbuffer[4] = (systemCode >> 8) & 0xFF;
pn532_packetbuffer[5] = systemCode & 0xFF;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
pn532_packetbuffer[6] = 0x01;
pn532_packetbuffer[7] = 0x00;
return sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 8);
Reads the ID of the passive target the reader has deteceted.
@param uid Pointer to the array that will be populated
with the card's UID (up to 7 bytes)
@param uidLength Pointer to the variable that will hold the
length of the card's UID.
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
2023-05-19 04:35:26 +02:00
bool Adafruit_PN532::readDetectedPassiveTargetID(uint8_t* uid,
uint8_t* uidLength,
uint16_t* atqa,
uint8_t* sak) {
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 20);
// check some basic stuff
/* ISO14443A card response should be in the following format:
byte Description
------------- ------------------------------------------
b0..6 Frame header and preamble
b7 Tags Found
b8 Tag Number (only one used in this example)
b9..10 SENS_RES
b12 NFCID Length
b13..NFCIDLen NFCID */
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Found "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(pn532_packetbuffer[7], DEC);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F(" tags"));
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 1)
return 0;
uint16_t sens_res = pn532_packetbuffer[9];
sens_res <<= 8;
sens_res |= pn532_packetbuffer[10];
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("ATQA: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(sens_res, HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("SAK: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[11], HEX);
*atqa = sens_res;
*sak = pn532_packetbuffer[11];
/* Card appears to be Mifare Classic */
*uidLength = pn532_packetbuffer[12];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pn532_packetbuffer[12]; i++) {
uid[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[13 + i];
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(uid[i], HEX);
return 1;
bool Adafruit_PN532::readDetectedPassiveTargetID(uint8_t* uid,
uint8_t* uidLength) {
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 20);
// check some basic stuff
/* ISO14443A card response should be in the following format:
byte Description
------------- ------------------------------------------
b0..6 Frame header and preamble
b7 Tags Found
b8 Tag Number (only one used in this example)
b9..10 SENS_RES
b12 NFCID Length
b13..NFCIDLen NFCID */
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Found "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(pn532_packetbuffer[7], DEC);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F(" tags"));
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 1)
return 0;
uint16_t sens_res = pn532_packetbuffer[9];
sens_res <<= 8;
sens_res |= pn532_packetbuffer[10];
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("ATQA: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(sens_res, HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("SAK: 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[11], HEX);
/* Card appears to be Mifare Classic */
*uidLength = pn532_packetbuffer[12];
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pn532_packetbuffer[12]; i++) {
uid[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[13 + i];
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(uid[i], HEX);
return 1;
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
bool Adafruit_PN532::readDetectedPassiveTargetIDFeliCa(uint8_t* IDm, uint8_t* IDmLength) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 28);
// check some basic stuff
/* Felica card response should be in the following format: page 116 of
byte Description
------------- ------------------------------------------
b0..6 Frame header and preamble
b7 Tags Found
b8 Tag Number (only one used in this example)
b9 POL_RES length
b10 0x01 (response code)
b11..18 NFCID2t
b19..26 Pad
b27..28 SYST_CODE (optional)
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Found "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(pn532_packetbuffer[7], DEC);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F(" tags"));
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 1)
return 0;
uint8_t POL_RES = pn532_packetbuffer[9];
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
uint8_t length = 8; //this is hard set in the protocol
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
/* Card appears to be Felica */
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
*IDmLength = length;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
for (uint8_t i=0; i < length; i++) {
IDm[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[11 + i];
IDm[0] = (IDm[0] & 0x0F);
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" 0x"));
2023-05-16 02:31:08 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(IDm[i], HEX);
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
2023-04-22 02:07:35 +02:00
uint16_t serviceCodeList[1];
uint16_t returnKey[1];
uint16_t blockList[1];
uint8_t blockData[1][16];
serviceCodeList[0] = 0x090f;
blockList[0] = 0x8000;
//TODO: figure out how to release the card properly so the transaction doesn't time out on the Apple Pay side
//requestServiceFeliCa(1, serviceCodeList, returnKey, IDm);
//readWithoutEncryptionFeliCa(1, serviceCodeList, 1, blockList, blockData, IDm);
return 1;
bool Adafruit_PN532::releaseCardFeliCa() {
Serial.println("Releasing FeliCa card");
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INRELEASE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 0x00; // All target
return sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 2);
int8_t Adafruit_PN532::requestServiceFeliCa(uint8_t numNode, const uint16_t* nodeCodeList, uint16_t* keyVersions, const uint8_t* idm)
Serial.println("numNode is too large\n");
return -1;
uint8_t i, j=0;
uint8_t cmdLen = 1 + 8 + 1 + 2*numNode;
uint8_t cmd[cmdLen];
for (i=0; i<8; ++i) {
cmd[j++] = idm[i];
cmd[j++] = numNode;
for (i=0; i<numNode; ++i) {
cmd[j++] = nodeCodeList[i] & 0xFF;
cmd[j++] = (nodeCodeList[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
uint8_t response[10+2*numNode];
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(cmd, cmdLen)) {
Serial.println("Request Service command failed\n");
return -2;
for(i=0; i<numNode; i++) {
keyVersions[i] = (uint16_t)(response[10+i*2] + (response[10+i*2+1] << 8));
return 1;
int8_t Adafruit_PN532::readWithoutEncryptionFeliCa(uint8_t numService, const uint16_t* serviceCodeList, uint8_t numBlock, const uint16_t* blockList, uint8_t blockData[][16], const uint8_t* idm) {
Serial.println("numService is too large\n");
return -1;
Serial.println("numBlock is too large\n");
return -2;
uint8_t i, j = 0, k;
uint8_t cmdLen = 1 + 8 + 1 + 2 * numService + 1 + 2 * numBlock;
uint8_t cmd[cmdLen];
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
cmd[j++] = idm[i];
cmd[j++] = numService;
for (i = 0; i < numService; ++i) {
cmd[j++] = serviceCodeList[i] & 0xFF;
cmd[j++] = (serviceCodeList[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
cmd[j++] = numBlock;
for (i = 0; i < numBlock; ++i) {
cmd[j++] = (blockList[i] >> 8) & 0xFF;
cmd[j++] = blockList[i] & 0xff;
uint8_t response[12 + 16 * numBlock];
uint8_t responseLength = 12 + 16 * numBlock;
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(cmd, cmdLen)) {
Serial.println("Read Without Encryption command failed\n");
return -3;
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, responseLength);
// status flag check
if (pn532_packetbuffer[9] != 0 || pn532_packetbuffer[10] != 0) {
Serial.println("Read Without Encryption command failed (Status Flag: ");
Serial.println(pn532_packetbuffer[9], HEX);
Serial.println(pn532_packetbuffer[10], HEX);
return -5;
k = 12;
for (i = 0; i < numBlock; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
blockData[i][j] = pn532_packetbuffer[k++];
return 1;
@brief Exchanges an APDU with the currently inlisted peer
@param send Pointer to data to send
@param sendLength Length of the data to send
@param response Pointer to response data
@param responseLength Pointer to the response data length
@return true on success, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_PN532::inDataExchange(uint8_t* send, uint8_t sendLength,
uint8_t* response,
uint8_t* responseLength) {
if (sendLength > PN532_PACKBUFFSIZ - 2) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("APDU length too long for packet buffer"));
return false;
uint8_t i;
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = 0x40; // PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = _inListedTag;
for (i = 0; i < sendLength; ++i) {
pn532_packetbuffer[i + 2] = send[i];
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, sendLength + 2, 1000)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Could not send APDU"));
return false;
if (!waitready(1000)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Response never received for APDU..."));
return false;
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, sizeof(pn532_packetbuffer));
if (pn532_packetbuffer[0] == 0 && pn532_packetbuffer[1] == 0 &&
pn532_packetbuffer[2] == 0xff) {
uint8_t length = pn532_packetbuffer[3];
if (pn532_packetbuffer[4] != (uint8_t)(~length + 1)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Length check invalid"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(length, HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println((~length) + 1, HEX);
return false;
if (pn532_packetbuffer[5] == PN532_PN532TOHOST &&
pn532_packetbuffer[6] == PN532_RESPONSE_INDATAEXCHANGE) {
if ((pn532_packetbuffer[7] & 0x3f) != 0) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Status code indicates an error"));
return false;
length -= 3;
if (length > *responseLength) {
length = *responseLength; // silent truncation...
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
response[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[8 + i];
*responseLength = length;
return true;
} else {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Don't know how to handle this command: "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(pn532_packetbuffer[6], HEX);
return false;
} else {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Preamble missing"));
return false;
@brief 'InLists' a passive target. PN532 acting as reader/initiator,
peer acting as card/responder.
@return true on success, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_PN532::inListPassiveTarget() {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INLISTPASSIVETARGET;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1;
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = 0;
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("About to inList passive target"));
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 3, 1000)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Could not send inlist message"));
return false;
if (!waitready(30000)) {
return false;
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, sizeof(pn532_packetbuffer));
if (pn532_packetbuffer[0] == 0 && pn532_packetbuffer[1] == 0 &&
pn532_packetbuffer[2] == 0xff) {
uint8_t length = pn532_packetbuffer[3];
if (pn532_packetbuffer[4] != (uint8_t)(~length + 1)) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Length check invalid"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(length, HEX);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println((~length) + 1, HEX);
return false;
if (pn532_packetbuffer[5] == PN532_PN532TOHOST &&
pn532_packetbuffer[6] == PN532_RESPONSE_INLISTPASSIVETARGET) {
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 1) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Unhandled number of targets inlisted"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Number of tags inlisted:"));
return false;
_inListedTag = pn532_packetbuffer[8];
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Tag number: "));
return true;
} else {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Unexpected response to inlist passive host"));
return false;
} else {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Preamble missing"));
return false;
return true;
/***** Mifare Classic Functions ******/
@brief Indicates whether the specified block number is the first block
in the sector (block 0 relative to the current sector)
@param uiBlock Block number to test.
@return true if first block, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_IsFirstBlock(uint32_t uiBlock) {
// Test if we are in the small or big sectors
if (uiBlock < 128)
return ((uiBlock) % 4 == 0);
return ((uiBlock) % 16 == 0);
@brief Indicates whether the specified block number is the sector
@param uiBlock Block number to test.
@return true if sector trailer, false otherwise.
bool Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_IsTrailerBlock(uint32_t uiBlock) {
// Test if we are in the small or big sectors
if (uiBlock < 128)
return ((uiBlock + 1) % 4 == 0);
return ((uiBlock + 1) % 16 == 0);
Tries to authenticate a block of memory on a MIFARE card using the
INDATAEXCHANGE command. See section 7.3.8 of the PN532 User Manual
for more information on sending MIFARE and other commands.
@param uid Pointer to a byte array containing the card UID
@param uidLen The length (in bytes) of the card's UID (Should
be 4 for MIFARE Classic)
@param blockNumber The block number to authenticate. (0..63 for
1KB cards, and 0..255 for 4KB cards).
@param keyNumber Which key type to use during authentication
@param keyData Pointer to a byte array containing the 6 byte
key value
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_AuthenticateBlock(uint8_t* uid,
uint8_t uidLen,
uint32_t blockNumber,
uint8_t keyNumber,
uint8_t* keyData) {
// uint8_t len;
uint8_t i;
// Hang on to the key and uid data
memcpy(_key, keyData, 6);
memcpy(_uid, uid, uidLen);
_uidLen = uidLen;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Trying to authenticate card "));
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHex(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(_uid), _uidLen);
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Using authentication KEY "));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(keyNumber ? 'B' : 'A');
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(": "));
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHex(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(_key), 6);
// Prepare the authentication command //
pn532_packetbuffer[0] =
PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE; /* Data Exchange Header */
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Max card numbers */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = (keyNumber) ? MIFARE_CMD_AUTH_B : MIFARE_CMD_AUTH_A;
pn532_packetbuffer[3] =
blockNumber; /* Block Number (1K = 0..63, 4K = 0..255 */
memcpy(pn532_packetbuffer + 4, _key, 6);
for (i = 0; i < _uidLen; i++) {
pn532_packetbuffer[10 + i] = _uid[i]; /* 4 byte card ID */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 10 + _uidLen))
return 0;
// Read the response packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 12);
// check if the response is valid and we are authenticated???
// for an auth success it should be bytes 5-7: 0xD5 0x41 0x00
// Mifare auth error is technically byte 7: 0x14 but anything other and 0x00
// is not good
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 0x00) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Authentification failed: "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 12);
return 0;
return 1;
Tries to read an entire 16-byte data block at the specified block
@param blockNumber The block number to authenticate. (0..63 for
1KB cards, and 0..255 for 4KB cards).
@param data Pointer to the byte array that will hold the
retrieved data (if any)
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_ReadDataBlock(uint8_t blockNumber,
uint8_t* data) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Trying to read 16 bytes from block "));
/* Prepare the command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = MIFARE_CMD_READ; /* Mifare Read command = 0x30 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] =
blockNumber; /* Block Number (0..63 for 1K, 0..255 for 4K) */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 4)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for read command"));
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
/* If byte 8 isn't 0x00 we probably have an error */
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] != 0x00) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Unexpected response"));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
return 0;
/* Copy the 16 data bytes to the output buffer */
/* Block content starts at byte 9 of a valid response */
memcpy(data, pn532_packetbuffer + 8, 16);
/* Display data for debug if requested */
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Block "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(data, 16);
return 1;
Tries to write an entire 16-byte data block at the specified block
@param blockNumber The block number to authenticate. (0..63 for
1KB cards, and 0..255 for 4KB cards).
@param data The byte array that contains the data to write.
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock(uint8_t blockNumber,
uint8_t* data) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Trying to write 16 bytes to block "));
/* Prepare the first command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = MIFARE_CMD_WRITE; /* Mifare Write command = 0xA0 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] =
blockNumber; /* Block Number (0..63 for 1K, 0..255 for 4K) */
memcpy(pn532_packetbuffer + 4, data, 16); /* Data Payload */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 20)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for write command"));
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
return 1;
Formats a Mifare Classic card to store NDEF Records
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_FormatNDEF(void) {
uint8_t sectorbuffer1[16] = {0x14, 0x01, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1,
0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1};
uint8_t sectorbuffer2[16] = {0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1,
0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1, 0x03, 0xE1};
uint8_t sectorbuffer3[16] = {0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0x78, 0x77,
0x88, 0xC1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
// Note 0xA0 0xA1 0xA2 0xA3 0xA4 0xA5 must be used for key A
// for the MAD sector in NDEF records (sector 0)
// Write block 1 and 2 to the card
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock(1, sectorbuffer1)))
return 0;
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock(2, sectorbuffer2)))
return 0;
// Write key A and access rights card
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock(3, sectorbuffer3)))
return 0;
// Seems that everything was OK (?!)
return 1;
Writes an NDEF URI Record to the specified sector (1..15)
Note that this function assumes that the Mifare Classic card is
already formatted to work as an "NFC Forum Tag" and uses a MAD1
file system. You can use the NXP TagWriter app on Android to
properly format cards for this.
@param sectorNumber The sector that the URI record should be written
to (can be 1..15 for a 1K card)
@param uriIdentifier The uri identifier code (0 = none, 0x01 =
"http://www.", etc.)
@param url The uri text to write (max 38 characters).
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareclassic_WriteNDEFURI(uint8_t sectorNumber,
uint8_t uriIdentifier,
const char* url) {
// Figure out how long the string is
uint8_t len = strlen(url);
// Make sure we're within a 1K limit for the sector number
if ((sectorNumber < 1) || (sectorNumber > 15))
return 0;
// Make sure the URI payload is between 1 and 38 chars
if ((len < 1) || (len > 38))
return 0;
// Note 0xD3 0xF7 0xD3 0xF7 0xD3 0xF7 must be used for key A
// in NDEF records
// Setup the sector buffer (w/pre-formatted TLV wrapper and NDEF message)
uint8_t sectorbuffer1[16] = {0x00,
(uint8_t)(len + 5),
(uint8_t)(len + 1),
uint8_t sectorbuffer2[16] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8_t sectorbuffer3[16] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8_t sectorbuffer4[16] = {0xD3, 0xF7, 0xD3, 0xF7, 0xD3, 0xF7, 0x7F, 0x07,
0x88, 0x40, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
if (len <= 6) {
// Unlikely we'll get a url this short, but why not ...
memcpy(sectorbuffer1 + 9, url, len);
sectorbuffer1[len + 9] = 0xFE;
} else if (len == 7) {
// 0xFE needs to be wrapped around to next block
memcpy(sectorbuffer1 + 9, url, len);
sectorbuffer2[0] = 0xFE;
} else if ((len > 7) && (len <= 22)) {
// Url fits in two blocks
memcpy(sectorbuffer1 + 9, url, 7);
memcpy(sectorbuffer2, url + 7, len - 7);
sectorbuffer2[len - 7] = 0xFE;
} else if (len == 23) {
// 0xFE needs to be wrapped around to final block
memcpy(sectorbuffer1 + 9, url, 7);
memcpy(sectorbuffer2, url + 7, len - 7);
sectorbuffer3[0] = 0xFE;
} else {
// Url fits in three blocks
memcpy(sectorbuffer1 + 9, url, 7);
memcpy(sectorbuffer2, url + 7, 16);
memcpy(sectorbuffer3, url + 23, len - 24);
sectorbuffer3[len - 22] = 0xFE;
// Now write all three blocks back to the card
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock(sectorNumber * 4, sectorbuffer1)))
return 0;
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock((sectorNumber * 4) + 1, sectorbuffer2)))
return 0;
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock((sectorNumber * 4) + 2, sectorbuffer3)))
return 0;
if (!(mifareclassic_WriteDataBlock((sectorNumber * 4) + 3, sectorbuffer4)))
return 0;
// Seems that everything was OK (?!)
return 1;
/***** Mifare Ultralight Functions ******/
@brief Tries to read an entire 4-byte page at the specified address.
@param page The page number (0..63 in most cases)
@param buffer Pointer to the byte array that will hold the
retrieved data (if any)
@return 1 on success, 0 on error.
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareultralight_ReadPage(uint8_t page,
uint8_t* buffer) {
if (page >= 64) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Page value out of range"));
return 0;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Reading page "));
/* Prepare the command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = MIFARE_CMD_READ; /* Mifare Read command = 0x30 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = page; /* Page Number (0..63 in most cases) */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 4)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for write command"));
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Received: "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
/* If byte 8 isn't 0x00 we probably have an error */
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] == 0x00) {
/* Copy the 4 data bytes to the output buffer */
/* Block content starts at byte 9 of a valid response */
/* Note that the command actually reads 16 byte or 4 */
/* pages at a time ... we simply discard the last 12 */
/* bytes */
memcpy(buffer, pn532_packetbuffer + 8, 4);
} else {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Unexpected response reading block: "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
return 0;
/* Display data for debug if requested */
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Page "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(buffer, 4);
// Return OK signal
return 1;
Tries to write an entire 4-byte page at the specified block
@param page The page number to write. (0..63 for most cases)
@param data The byte array that contains the data to write.
Should be exactly 4 bytes long.
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::mifareultralight_WritePage(uint8_t page,
uint8_t* data) {
if (page >= 64) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Page value out of range"));
// Return Failed Signal
return 0;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Trying to write 4 byte page"));
/* Prepare the first command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] =
MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT_CMD_WRITE; /* Mifare Ultralight Write command = 0xA2 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = page; /* Page Number (0..63 for most cases) */
memcpy(pn532_packetbuffer + 4, data, 4); /* Data Payload */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 8)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for write command"));
// Return Failed Signal
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
// Return OK Signal
return 1;
/***** NTAG2xx Functions ******/
@brief Tries to read an entire 4-byte page at the specified address.
@param page The page number (0..63 in most cases)
@param buffer Pointer to the byte array that will hold the
retrieved data (if any)
@return 1 on success, 0 on error.
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::ntag2xx_ReadPage(uint8_t page, uint8_t* buffer) {
// -------- ----- ---------- ---------
// NTAG 203 42 4 39
// NTAG 213 45 4 39
// NTAG 215 135 4 129
// NTAG 216 231 4 225
if (page >= 231) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Page value out of range"));
return 0;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Reading page "));
/* Prepare the command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] = MIFARE_CMD_READ; /* Mifare Read command = 0x30 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = page; /* Page Number (0..63 in most cases) */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 4)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for write command"));
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Received: "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
/* If byte 8 isn't 0x00 we probably have an error */
if (pn532_packetbuffer[7] == 0x00) {
/* Copy the 4 data bytes to the output buffer */
/* Block content starts at byte 9 of a valid response */
/* Note that the command actually reads 16 byte or 4 */
/* pages at a time ... we simply discard the last 12 */
/* bytes */
memcpy(buffer, pn532_packetbuffer + 8, 4);
} else {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Unexpected response reading block: "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
return 0;
/* Display data for debug if requested */
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Page "));
Adafruit_PN532::PrintHexChar(buffer, 4);
// Return OK signal
return 1;
Tries to write an entire 4-byte page at the specified block
@param page The page number to write. (0..63 for most cases)
@param data The byte array that contains the data to write.
Should be exactly 4 bytes long.
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::ntag2xx_WritePage(uint8_t page, uint8_t* data) {
// -------- ----- ---------- ---------
// NTAG 203 42 4 39
// NTAG 213 45 4 39
// NTAG 215 135 4 129
// NTAG 216 231 4 225
if ((page < 4) || (page > 225)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Page value out of range"));
// Return Failed Signal
return 0;
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Trying to write 4 byte page"));
/* Prepare the first command */
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = PN532_COMMAND_INDATAEXCHANGE;
pn532_packetbuffer[1] = 1; /* Card number */
pn532_packetbuffer[2] =
MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT_CMD_WRITE; /* Mifare Ultralight Write command = 0xA2 */
pn532_packetbuffer[3] = page; /* Page Number (0..63 for most cases) */
memcpy(pn532_packetbuffer + 4, data, 4); /* Data Payload */
/* Send the command */
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 8)) {
2023-04-21 20:44:41 +02:00
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Failed to receive ACK for write command"));
// Return Failed Signal
return 0;
/* Read the response packet */
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 26);
// Return OK Signal
return 1;
Writes an NDEF URI Record starting at the specified page (4..nn)
Note that this function assumes that the NTAG2xx card is
already formatted to work as an "NFC Forum Tag".
@param uriIdentifier The uri identifier code (0 = none, 0x01 =
"http://www.", etc.)
@param url The uri text to write (null-terminated string).
@param dataLen The size of the data area for overflow checks.
@returns 1 if everything executed properly, 0 for an error
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::ntag2xx_WriteNDEFURI(uint8_t uriIdentifier, char* url,
uint8_t dataLen) {
uint8_t pageBuffer[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// Remove NDEF record overhead from the URI data (pageHeader below)
uint8_t wrapperSize = 12;
// Figure out how long the string is
uint8_t len = strlen(url);
// Make sure the URI payload will fit in dataLen (include 0xFE trailer)
if ((len < 1) || (len + 1 > (dataLen - wrapperSize)))
return 0;
// Setup the record header
// See NFCForum-TS-Type-2-Tag_1.1.pdf for details
uint8_t pageHeader[12] = {
/* NDEF Lock Control TLV (must be first and always present) */
0x01, /* Tag Field (0x01 = Lock Control TLV) */
0x03, /* Payload Length (always 3) */
0xA0, /* The position inside the tag of the lock bytes (upper 4 = page
address, lower 4 = byte offset) */
0x10, /* Size in bits of the lock area */
0x44, /* Size in bytes of a page and the number of bytes each lock bit can
lock (4 bit + 4 bits) */
/* NDEF Message TLV - URI Record */
0x03, /* Tag Field (0x03 = NDEF Message) */
(uint8_t)(len + 5), /* Payload Length (not including 0xFE trailer) */
0xD1, /* NDEF Record Header (TNF=0x1:Well known record + SR + ME + MB) */
0x01, /* Type Length for the record type indicator */
(uint8_t)(len + 1), /* Payload len */
0x55, /* Record Type Indicator (0x55 or 'U' = URI Record) */
uriIdentifier /* URI Prefix (ex. 0x01 = "http://www.") */
// Write 12 byte header (three pages of data starting at page 4)
memcpy(pageBuffer, pageHeader, 4);
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(4, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
memcpy(pageBuffer, pageHeader + 4, 4);
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(5, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
memcpy(pageBuffer, pageHeader + 8, 4);
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(6, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
// Write URI (starting at page 7)
uint8_t currentPage = 7;
char* urlcopy = url;
while (len) {
if (len < 4) {
memset(pageBuffer, 0, 4);
memcpy(pageBuffer, urlcopy, len);
pageBuffer[len] = 0xFE; // NDEF record footer
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(currentPage, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
// DONE!
return 1;
} else if (len == 4) {
memcpy(pageBuffer, urlcopy, len);
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(currentPage, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
memset(pageBuffer, 0, 4);
pageBuffer[0] = 0xFE; // NDEF record footer
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(currentPage, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
// DONE!
return 1;
} else {
// More than one page of data left
memcpy(pageBuffer, urlcopy, 4);
if (!(ntag2xx_WritePage(currentPage, pageBuffer)))
return 0;
urlcopy += 4;
len -= 4;
// Seems that everything was OK (?!)
return 1;
/************** high level communication functions (handles both I2C and SPI) */
@brief Tries to read the SPI or I2C ACK signal
bool Adafruit_PN532::readack() {
uint8_t ackbuff[6];
if (spi_dev) {
uint8_t cmd = PN532_SPI_DATAREAD;
spi_dev->write_then_read(&cmd, 1, ackbuff, 6);
} else if (i2c_dev || ser_dev) {
readdata(ackbuff, 6);
return (0 == memcmp((char *)ackbuff, (char *)pn532ack, 6));
@brief Return true if the PN532 is ready with a response.
bool Adafruit_PN532::isready() {
if (spi_dev) {
// SPI ready check via Status Request
uint8_t cmd = PN532_SPI_STATREAD;
uint8_t reply;
spi_dev->write_then_read(&cmd, 1, &reply, 1);
return reply == PN532_SPI_READY;
} else if (i2c_dev) {
// I2C ready check via reading RDY byte
uint8_t rdy[1];
i2c_dev->read(rdy, 1);
return rdy[0] == PN532_I2C_READY;
} else if (ser_dev) {
// Serial ready check based on non-zero read buffer
return (ser_dev->available() != 0);
} else if (_irq != -1) {
uint8_t x = digitalRead(_irq);
return x == 0;
return false;
@brief Waits until the PN532 is ready.
@param timeout Timeout before giving up
bool Adafruit_PN532::waitready(uint16_t timeout) {
uint16_t timer = 0;
while (!isready()) {
if (timeout != 0) {
timer += 10;
if (timer > timeout) {
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
return false;
return true;
@brief Reads n bytes of data from the PN532 via SPI or I2C.
@param buff Pointer to the buffer where data will be written
@param n Number of bytes to be read
void Adafruit_PN532::readdata(uint8_t* buff, uint8_t n) {
if (spi_dev) {
// SPI read
uint8_t cmd = PN532_SPI_DATAREAD;
spi_dev->write_then_read(&cmd, 1, buff, n);
} else if (i2c_dev) {
// I2C read
uint8_t rbuff[n + 1]; // +1 for leading RDY byte
i2c_dev->read(rbuff, n + 1);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
buff[i] = rbuff[i + 1];
} else if (ser_dev) {
// Serial read
ser_dev->readBytes(buff, n);
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F("Reading: "));
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(F(" 0x"));
PN532DEBUGPRINT.print(buff[i], HEX);
@brief set the PN532 as iso14443a Target behaving as a SmartCard
@return true on success, false otherwise.
@note Author: Salvador Mendoza ( new functions:
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::AsTarget() {
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = 0x8C;
uint8_t target[] = {
0x00, // MODE -> BITFIELD
0x08, 0x00, // SENS_RES - MIFARE PARAMS
0xdc, 0x44, 0x20, // NFCID1T
0x60, // SEL_RES
0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xc0,
0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, // PAD
0xff, 0xff, // SYSTEM CODE
0xaa, 0x99, 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44,
0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x01, 0x00, // NFCID3t MAX 47 BYTES ATR_RES
0x0d, 0x52, 0x46, 0x49, 0x44, 0x49, 0x4f,
0x74, 0x20, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x35, 0x33, 0x32 // HISTORICAL BYTES
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(target, sizeof(target)))
return false;
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 8);
int offset = 6;
return (pn532_packetbuffer[offset] == 0x15);
@brief Retrieve response from the emulation mode
@param cmd = data
@param cmdlen = data length
@return true on success, false otherwise.
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::getDataTarget(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t* cmdlen) {
uint8_t length;
pn532_packetbuffer[0] = 0x86;
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(pn532_packetbuffer, 1, 1000)) {
PN532DEBUGPRINT.println(F("Error en ack"));
return false;
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 64);
length = pn532_packetbuffer[3] - 3;
// if (length > *responseLength) {// Bug, should avoid it in the reading
// target data
// length = *responseLength; // silent truncation...
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
cmd[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[8 + i];
*cmdlen = length;
return true;
@brief Set data in PN532 in the emulation mode
@param cmd = data
@param cmdlen = data length
@return true on success, false otherwise.
uint8_t Adafruit_PN532::setDataTarget(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdlen) {
uint8_t length;
// cmd1[0] = 0x8E; Must!
if (!sendCommandCheckAck(cmd, cmdlen))
return false;
// read data packet
readdata(pn532_packetbuffer, 8);
length = pn532_packetbuffer[3] - 3;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
cmd[i] = pn532_packetbuffer[8 + i];
// cmdl = 0
cmdlen = length;
int offset = 6;
return (pn532_packetbuffer[offset] == 0x15);
@brief Writes a command to the PN532, automatically inserting the
preamble and required frame details (checksum, len, etc.)
@param cmd Pointer to the command buffer
@param cmdlen Command length in bytes
void Adafruit_PN532::writecommand(uint8_t* cmd, uint8_t cmdlen) {
if (spi_dev) {
// SPI command write.
uint8_t checksum;
uint8_t packet[9 + cmdlen];
uint8_t* p = packet;
p[0] = PN532_PREAMBLE;
p[0] = PN532_STARTCODE1;
p[0] = PN532_STARTCODE2;
checksum = PN532_PREAMBLE + PN532_STARTCODE1 + PN532_STARTCODE2;
p[0] = cmdlen;
p[0] = ~cmdlen + 1;
p[0] = PN532_HOSTTOPN532;
checksum += PN532_HOSTTOPN532;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cmdlen - 1; i++) {
p[0] = cmd[i];
checksum += cmd[i];
p[0] = ~checksum;
p[0] = PN532_POSTAMBLE;
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
Serial.print("Sending : ");
for (int i = 1; i < 8 + cmdlen; i++) {
Serial.print(packet[i], HEX);
Serial.print(", ");
spi_dev->write(packet, 8 + cmdlen);
} else if (i2c_dev || ser_dev) {
// I2C or Serial command write.
uint8_t packet[8 + cmdlen];
uint8_t LEN = cmdlen + 1;
packet[0] = PN532_PREAMBLE;
packet[1] = PN532_STARTCODE1;
packet[2] = PN532_STARTCODE2;
packet[3] = LEN;
packet[4] = ~LEN + 1;
packet[5] = PN532_HOSTTOPN532;
uint8_t sum = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cmdlen; i++) {
packet[6 + i] = cmd[i];
sum += cmd[i];
packet[6 + cmdlen] = ~(PN532_HOSTTOPN532 + sum) + 1;
packet[7 + cmdlen] = PN532_POSTAMBLE;
#ifdef PN532DEBUG
Serial.print("Sending : ");
for (int i = 1; i < 8 + cmdlen; i++) {
Serial.print(packet[i], HEX);
Serial.print(", ");
if (i2c_dev) {
i2c_dev->write(packet, 8 + cmdlen);
} else {
ser_dev->write(packet, 8 + cmdlen);