export class customNotification1585385921215 { constructor() { this.name = "customNotification1585385921215"; } async up(queryRunner) { await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD "customBody" character varying(2048)`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD "customHeader" character varying(256)`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD "customIcon" character varying(1024)`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD "appAccessTokenId" character varying(32)`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa710"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ALTER COLUMN "notifierId" DROP NOT NULL`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification"."notifierId" IS 'The ID of sender user of the Notification.'`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TYPE "public"."notification_type_enum" RENAME TO "notification_type_enum_old"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TYPE "notification_type_enum" AS ENUM('follow', 'mention', 'reply', 'renote', 'quote', 'reaction', 'pollVote', 'receiveFollowRequest', 'followRequestAccepted', 'groupInvited', 'app')`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ALTER COLUMN "type" TYPE "notification_type_enum" USING "type"::"text"::"notification_type_enum"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `DROP TYPE "notification_type_enum_old"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification"."type" IS 'The type of the Notification.'`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE INDEX "IDX_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa71" ON "notification" ("notifierId") `, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE INDEX "IDX_33f33cc8ef29d805a97ff4628b" ON "notification" ("type") `, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE INDEX "IDX_080ab397c379af09b9d2169e5b" ON "notification" ("isRead") `, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE INDEX "IDX_e22bf6bda77b6adc1fd9e75c8c" ON "notification" ("appAccessTokenId") `, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa710" FOREIGN KEY ("notifierId") REFERENCES "user"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_e22bf6bda77b6adc1fd9e75c8c9" FOREIGN KEY ("appAccessTokenId") REFERENCES "access_token"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION`, undefined, ); } async down(queryRunner) { await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_e22bf6bda77b6adc1fd9e75c8c9"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa710"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `DROP INDEX "IDX_e22bf6bda77b6adc1fd9e75c8c"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `DROP INDEX "IDX_080ab397c379af09b9d2169e5b"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `DROP INDEX "IDX_33f33cc8ef29d805a97ff4628b"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `DROP INDEX "IDX_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa71"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification"."type" IS ''`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `CREATE TYPE "notification_type_enum_old" AS ENUM('follow', 'mention', 'reply', 'renote', 'quote', 'reaction', 'pollVote', 'receiveFollowRequest', 'followRequestAccepted', 'groupInvited')`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ALTER COLUMN "type" TYPE "notification_type_enum_old" USING "type"::"text"::"notification_type_enum_old"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query(`DROP TYPE "notification_type_enum"`, undefined); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TYPE "notification_type_enum_old" RENAME TO "notification_type_enum"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `COMMENT ON COLUMN "notification"."notifierId" IS ''`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ALTER COLUMN "notifierId" SET NOT NULL`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_3b4e96eec8d36a8bbb9d02aa710" FOREIGN KEY ("notifierId") REFERENCES "user"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "appAccessTokenId"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "customIcon"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "customHeader"`, undefined, ); await queryRunner.query( `ALTER TABLE "notification" DROP COLUMN "customBody"`, undefined, ); } }