/** * API Server */ import Koa from "koa"; import Router from "@koa/router"; import multer from "@koa/multer"; import bodyParser from "koa-bodyparser"; import cors from "@koa/cors"; import { apiMastodonCompatible, getClient, } from "./mastodon/ApiMastodonCompatibleService.js"; import { Instances, AccessTokens, Users } from "@/models/index.js"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import fs from "fs"; import endpoints from "./endpoints.js"; import compatibility from "./compatibility.js"; import handler from "./api-handler.js"; import signup from "./private/signup.js"; import signin from "./private/signin.js"; import signupPending from "./private/signup-pending.js"; import verifyEmail from "./private/verify-email.js"; import discord from "./service/discord.js"; import github from "./service/github.js"; import twitter from "./service/twitter.js"; import { koaBody } from "koa-body"; import { convertId, IdConvertType as IdType, } from "../../../native-utils/built/index.js"; import { convertAttachment } from "./mastodon/converters.js"; // re-export native rust id conversion (function and enum) export { IdType, convertId }; // Init app const app = new Koa(); app.use( cors({ origin: "*", }), ); // No caching app.use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.set("Cache-Control", "private, max-age=0, must-revalidate"); await next(); }); // Init router const router = new Router(); const mastoRouter = new Router(); const mastoFileRouter = new Router(); const errorRouter = new Router(); // Init multer instance const upload = multer({ storage: multer.diskStorage({}), limits: { fileSize: config.maxFileSize || 262144000, files: 1, }, }); router.use( bodyParser({ // リクエストが multipart/form-data でない限りはJSONだと見なす detectJSON: (ctx) => !( ctx.is("multipart/form-data") || ctx.is("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ), }), ); mastoRouter.use( koaBody({ multipart: true, urlencoded: true, }), ); mastoFileRouter.post("/v1/media", upload.single("file"), async (ctx) => { const BASE_URL = `${ctx.protocol}://${ctx.hostname}`; const accessTokens = ctx.headers.authorization; const client = getClient(BASE_URL, accessTokens); try { const multipartData = await ctx.file; if (!multipartData) { ctx.body = { error: "No image" }; ctx.status = 401; return; } const data = await client.uploadMedia(multipartData); ctx.body = convertAttachment(data.data as Entity.Attachment); } catch (e: any) { console.error(e); ctx.status = 401; ctx.body = e.response.data; } }); mastoFileRouter.post("/v2/media", upload.single("file"), async (ctx) => { const BASE_URL = `${ctx.protocol}://${ctx.hostname}`; const accessTokens = ctx.headers.authorization; const client = getClient(BASE_URL, accessTokens); try { const multipartData = await ctx.file; if (!multipartData) { ctx.body = { error: "No image" }; ctx.status = 401; return; } const data = await client.uploadMedia(multipartData); ctx.body = convertAttachment(data.data as Entity.Attachment); } catch (e: any) { console.error(e); ctx.status = 401; ctx.body = e.response.data; } }); mastoRouter.use(async (ctx, next) => { if (ctx.request.query) { if (!ctx.request.body || Object.keys(ctx.request.body).length === 0) { ctx.request.body = ctx.request.query; } else { ctx.request.body = { ...ctx.request.body, ...ctx.request.query }; } } await next(); }); apiMastodonCompatible(mastoRouter); /** * Register endpoint handlers */ for (const endpoint of [...endpoints, ...compatibility]) { if (endpoint.meta.requireFile) { router.post( `/${endpoint.name}`, upload.single("file"), handler.bind(null, endpoint), ); } else { // 後方互換性のため if (endpoint.name.includes("-")) { router.post( `/${endpoint.name.replace(/-/g, "_")}`, handler.bind(null, endpoint), ); if (endpoint.meta.allowGet) { router.get( `/${endpoint.name.replace(/-/g, "_")}`, handler.bind(null, endpoint), ); } else { router.get(`/${endpoint.name.replace(/-/g, "_")}`, async (ctx) => { ctx.status = 405; }); } } router.post(`/${endpoint.name}`, handler.bind(null, endpoint)); if (endpoint.meta.allowGet) { router.get(`/${endpoint.name}`, handler.bind(null, endpoint)); } else { router.get(`/${endpoint.name}`, async (ctx) => { ctx.status = 405; }); } } } router.post("/signup", signup); router.post("/signin", signin); router.post("/signup-pending", signupPending); router.post("/verify-email", verifyEmail); router.use(discord.routes()); router.use(github.routes()); router.use(twitter.routes()); router.post("/miauth/:session/check", async (ctx) => { const token = await AccessTokens.findOneBy({ session: ctx.params.session, }); if (token?.session != null && !token.fetched) { AccessTokens.update(token.id, { fetched: true, }); ctx.body = { ok: true, token: token.token, user: await Users.pack(token.userId, null, { detail: true }), }; } else { ctx.body = { ok: false, }; } }); // Return 404 for unknown API errorRouter.all("(.*)", async (ctx) => { ctx.status = 404; }); // Register router app.use(mastoFileRouter.routes()); app.use(mastoRouter.routes()); app.use(mastoRouter.allowedMethods()); app.use(router.routes()); app.use(errorRouter.routes()); export default app;