import type Koa from "koa"; import * as OTPAuth from "otpauth"; import signin from "../common/signin.js"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { Users, Signins, UserProfiles, UserSecurityKeys, AttestationChallenges, } from "@/models/index.js"; import type { ILocalUser } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { genId } from "@/misc/gen-id.js"; import { comparePassword, hashPassword, isOldAlgorithm, } from "@/misc/password.js"; import { verifyLogin, hash } from "../2fa.js"; import { randomBytes } from "node:crypto"; import { IsNull } from "typeorm"; import { limiter } from "../limiter.js"; import { getIpHash } from "@/misc/get-ip-hash.js"; export default async (ctx: Koa.Context) => { ctx.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", config.url); ctx.set("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"); const body = ctx.request.body as any; const username = body["username"]; const password = body["password"]; const token = body["token"]; function error(status: number, error: { id: string }) { ctx.status = status; ctx.body = { error }; } try { // not more than 1 attempt per second and not more than 10 attempts per hour await limiter( { key: "signin", duration: 60 * 60 * 1000, max: 10, minInterval: 1000 }, getIpHash(ctx.ip), ); } catch (err) { ctx.status = 429; ctx.body = { error: { message: "Too many failed attempts to sign in. Try again later.", code: "TOO_MANY_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES", id: "22d05606-fbcf-421a-a2db-b32610dcfd1b", }, }; return; } if (typeof username !== "string") { ctx.status = 400; return; } if (typeof password !== "string") { ctx.status = 400; return; } if (token != null && typeof token !== "string") { ctx.status = 400; return; } // Fetch user const user = (await Users.findOneBy({ usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(), host: IsNull(), })) as ILocalUser; if (user == null) { error(404, { id: "6cc579cc-885d-43d8-95c2-b8c7fc963280", }); return; } if (user.isSuspended) { error(403, { id: "e03a5f46-d309-4865-9b69-56282d94e1eb", }); return; } const profile = await UserProfiles.findOneByOrFail({ userId: }); // Compare password const same = await comparePassword(password, profile.password!); if (same && isOldAlgorithm(profile.password!)) { profile.password = await hashPassword(password); await; } async function fail(status?: number, failure?: { id: string }) { // Append signin history await Signins.insert({ id: genId(), createdAt: new Date(), userId:, ip: ctx.ip, headers: ctx.headers, success: false, }); error( status || 500, failure || { id: "4e30e80c-e338-45a0-8c8f-44455efa3b76" }, ); } if (!profile.twoFactorEnabled) { if (same) { signin(ctx, user); return; } else { await fail(403, { id: "932c904e-9460-45b7-9ce6-7ed33be7eb2c", }); return; } } if (token) { if (!same) { await fail(403, { id: "932c904e-9460-45b7-9ce6-7ed33be7eb2c", }); return; } if (profile.twoFactorSecret == null) { throw new Error("Attempted 2FA signin without 2FA enabled."); } const delta = OTPAuth.TOTP.validate({ secret: OTPAuth.Secret.fromBase32(profile.twoFactorSecret), digits: 6, token, window: 1, }); if (delta != null) { signin(ctx, user); return; } else { await fail(403, { id: "cdf1235b-ac71-46d4-a3a6-84ccce48df6f", }); return; } } else if (body.credentialId) { if (!(same || profile.usePasswordLessLogin)) { await fail(403, { id: "932c904e-9460-45b7-9ce6-7ed33be7eb2c", }); return; } const clientDataJSON = Buffer.from(body.clientDataJSON, "hex"); const clientData = JSON.parse(clientDataJSON.toString("utf-8")); const challenge = await AttestationChallenges.findOneBy({ userId:, id: body.challengeId, registrationChallenge: false, challenge: hash(clientData.challenge).toString("hex"), }); if (!challenge) { await fail(403, { id: "2715a88a-2125-4013-932f-aa6fe72792da", }); return; } await AttestationChallenges.delete({ userId:, id: body.challengeId, }); if (new Date().getTime() - challenge.createdAt.getTime() >= 5 * 60 * 1000) { await fail(403, { id: "2715a88a-2125-4013-932f-aa6fe72792da", }); return; } const securityKey = await UserSecurityKeys.findOneBy({ id: Buffer.from( body.credentialId.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/"), "base64", ).toString("hex"), }); if (!securityKey) { await fail(403, { id: "66269679-aeaf-4474-862b-eb761197e046", }); return; } const isValid = verifyLogin({ publicKey: Buffer.from(securityKey.publicKey, "hex"), authenticatorData: Buffer.from(body.authenticatorData, "hex"), clientDataJSON, clientData, signature: Buffer.from(body.signature, "hex"), challenge: challenge.challenge, }); if (isValid) { signin(ctx, user); return; } else { await fail(403, { id: "93b86c4b-72f9-40eb-9815-798928603d1e", }); return; } } else { if (!(same || profile.usePasswordLessLogin)) { await fail(403, { id: "932c904e-9460-45b7-9ce6-7ed33be7eb2c", }); return; } const keys = await UserSecurityKeys.findBy({ userId:, }); if (keys.length === 0) { await fail(403, { id: "f27fd449-9af4-4841-9249-1f989b9fa4a4", }); return; } // 32 byte challenge const challenge = randomBytes(32) .toString("base64") .replace(/=/g, "") .replace(/\+/g, "-") .replace(/\//g, "_"); const challengeId = genId(); await AttestationChallenges.insert({ userId:, id: challengeId, challenge: hash(Buffer.from(challenge, "utf-8")).toString("hex"), createdAt: new Date(), registrationChallenge: false, }); ctx.body = { challenge, challengeId, securityKeys: => ({ id:, })), }; ctx.status = 200; return; } // never get here };