import { PrimaryColumn, Entity, Index, JoinColumn, Column, ManyToOne, } from "typeorm"; import { User } from "./user.js"; import { id } from "../id.js"; export const webhookEventTypes = [ "mention", "unfollow", "follow", "followed", "note", "reply", "renote", "reaction", ] as const; @Entity() export class Webhook { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; @Column('timestamp with time zone', { comment: 'The created date of the Antenna.', }) public createdAt: Date; @Index() @Column({, comment: 'The owner ID.', }) public userId: User["id"]; @ManyToOne(type => User, { onDelete: 'CASCADE', }) @JoinColumn() public user: User | null; @Column('varchar', { length: 128, comment: 'The name of the Antenna.', }) public name: string; @Index() @Column('varchar', { length: 128, array: true, default: '{}', }) public on: typeof webhookEventTypes[number][]; @Column('varchar', { length: 1024, }) public url: string; @Column('varchar', { length: 1024, }) public secret: string; @Index() @Column('boolean', { default: true, }) public active: boolean; /** * 直近のリクエスト送信日時 */ @Column('timestamp with time zone', { nullable: true, }) public latestSentAt: Date | null; /** * 直近のリクエスト送信時のHTTPステータスコード */ @Column('integer', { nullable: true, }) public latestStatus: number | null; }