amy bones c5de597079
fix: relay signature handling
A change sometime ago moved to setting some signature fields in the incoming
object to undefined as opposed to deleting them. The trouble is that downstream
code checks against existence, not undefinedness and rejects the message.

Resolves: #9665
2023-03-22 17:32:49 -07:00

144 lines
3.5 KiB

import * as crypto from "node:crypto";
import jsonld from "jsonld";
import { CONTEXTS } from "./contexts.js";
import fetch from "node-fetch";
import { httpAgent, httpsAgent } from "@/misc/fetch.js";
// RsaSignature2017 based from
export class LdSignature {
public debug = false;
public preLoad = true;
public loderTimeout = 10 * 1000;
constructor() {}
public async signRsaSignature2017(
data: any,
privateKey: string,
creator: string,
domain?: string,
created?: Date,
): Promise<any> {
const options = {
type: "RsaSignature2017",
nonce: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex"),
created: (created || new Date()).toISOString(),
} as {
type: string;
creator: string;
domain?: string;
nonce: string;
created: string;
if (!domain) {
options.domain = undefined;
const toBeSigned = await this.createVerifyData(data, options);
const signer = crypto.createSign("sha256");
const signature = signer.sign(privateKey);
return {,
signature: {
signatureValue: signature.toString("base64"),
public async verifyRsaSignature2017(
data: any,
publicKey: string,
): Promise<boolean> {
const toBeSigned = await this.createVerifyData(data, data.signature);
const verifier = crypto.createVerify("sha256");
return verifier.verify(publicKey, data.signature.signatureValue, "base64");
public async createVerifyData(data: any, options: any) {
const transformedOptions = {
"@context": "",
delete transformedOptions["type"];
delete transformedOptions["id"];
delete transformedOptions["signatureValue"];
const canonizedOptions = await this.normalize(transformedOptions);
const optionsHash = this.sha256(canonizedOptions);
const transformedData = { };
delete transformedData["signature"];
const cannonidedData = await this.normalize(transformedData);
if (this.debug) console.debug(`cannonidedData: ${cannonidedData}`);
const documentHash = this.sha256(cannonidedData);
const verifyData = `${optionsHash}${documentHash}`;
return verifyData;
public async normalize(data: any) {
const customLoader = this.getLoader();
return await jsonld.normalize(data, {
documentLoader: customLoader,
private getLoader() {
return async (url: string): Promise<any> => {
if (!url.match("^https?://")) throw new Error(`Invalid URL ${url}`);
if (this.preLoad) {
if (url in CONTEXTS) {
if (this.debug) console.debug(`HIT: ${url}`);
return {
contextUrl: null,
document: CONTEXTS[url],
documentUrl: url,
if (this.debug) console.debug(`MISS: ${url}`);
const document = await this.fetchDocument(url);
return {
contextUrl: null,
document: document,
documentUrl: url,
private async fetchDocument(url: string) {
const json = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Accept: "application/ld+json, application/json",
//timeout: this.loderTimeout,
agent: (u) => (u.protocol === "http:" ? httpAgent : httpsAgent),
}).then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);
} else {
return res.json();
return json;
public sha256(data: string): string {
const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256");
return hash.digest("hex");