# Post-install This document describes things you can do after successfully installing Iceshrimp. ## Automatic translation ### DeepL - Create a Free or Pro API account on [DeepL's website](https://www.deepl.com/pro#developer) - Copy the API key to Control Panel > General > DeepL Translation - Check the "Pro account" switch if you registered for paid account ### LibreTranslate - Install [LibreTranslate](https://libretranslate.com/) - Get an API URL and API key, copy and paste them into Control Panel > General > Libre Translate ## Object Storage (S3) Recommended if using Docker - Set up a bucket on provider's website (for example: AWS, Backblaze B2, Wasabi, minio or Google Cloud) - Go to Control Panel > Object Storage and follow instructions ## Customising assets, locale - To add custom CSS for all users, edit `custom/assets/instance.css`. - To add static assets (such as images for the splash screen), place them in the `custom/assets/` directory. They'll then be available on https://example.com/static-assets/filename.ext. - To add custom locales, place them in the `custom/locales/` directory. If you name your custom locale the same as an existing locale, it will overwrite it. If you give it a unique name, it will be added to the list. Also make sure that the first part of the filename matches the locale you're basing it on. (Example: en-FOO.yml) - To add custom error images, place them in the `custom/assets/badges` directory, replacing the files already there. - To add custom sounds, place only mp3 files in the `custom/assets/sounds` directory. - To update custom assets without rebuilding, just run `yarn run gulp`. ## Another admin account - Go to desired user's page, click 3 dots in upper right corner > About > Moderation, turn on "Moderator" - Go back to Overview and copy their ID - Run `psql -d iceshrimp`, replace `iceshrimp` with a name of your database if needed - If instance is ran by a different system user: Prepend that command with `sudo -U iceshrimp`, replace `iceshrimp` with a name of that user if needed - Docker Compose users: `docker compose exec db psql -d iceshrimp -U iceshrimp`, replace both `iceshrimp` with name of your db, and username owning that db respectively, if needed - Run `UPDATE "user" SET "isAdmin" = true WHERE id='999999';`, where `999999` is the copied ID of that user - Restart your Iceshrimp server ### Removing admin privileges - Get ID of the user - Run `psql` the same way when adding admin - Run `UPDATE "user" SET "isAdmin" = false WHERE id='999999';`, where `999999` is the copied ID of that user - Restart your Iceshrimp server - Remove moderator privileges of the user