import { ILocalUser, User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { DriveFiles, Followings, HtmlUserCacheEntries, UserProfiles, Users } from "@/models/index.js"; import { EmojiConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/emoji.js"; import { populateEmojis } from "@/misc/populate-emojis.js"; import { escapeMFM } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/mfm.js"; import mfm from "mfm-js"; import { awaitAll } from "@/prelude/await-all.js"; import { AccountCache, UserHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/user.js"; import { MfmHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/mfm.js"; import { MastoContext } from "@/server/api/mastodon/index.js"; import { IMentionedRemoteUsers, Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js"; import { UserProfile } from "@/models/entities/user-profile.js"; import { In } from "typeorm"; import { unique } from "@/prelude/array.js"; import { Cache } from "@/misc/cache.js"; import { getUser } from "../../common/getters.js"; import { HtmlUserCacheEntry } from "@/models/entities/html-user-cache-entry.js"; import AsyncLock from "async-lock"; type Field = { name: string; value: string; verified?: boolean; }; export class UserConverter { private static userBioHtmlCache = new Cache('html:user:bio', config.htmlCache?.ttlSeconds ?? 60 * 60); private static userFieldsHtmlCache = new Cache('html:user:fields', config.htmlCache?.ttlSeconds ?? 60 * 60); public static async encode(u: User, ctx: MastoContext): Promise { const localUser = ctx.user as ILocalUser | null; const cache = ctx.cache as AccountCache; return cache.locks.acquire(, async () => { const cacheHit = cache.accounts.find(p => ==; if (cacheHit) return cacheHit; const identifier = `${}:${(u.lastFetchedAt ?? u.createdAt).getTime()}`; let fqn = `${u.username}@${ ?? config.domain}`; let acct = u.username; let acctUrl = `https://${ ||}/@${u.username}`; if ( { acct = `${u.username}@${}`; acctUrl = `https://${}/@${u.username}`; } const aggregateProfile = (ctx.userProfileAggregate as Map)?.get(; let htmlCacheEntry: HtmlUserCacheEntry | null | undefined = undefined; const htmlCacheEntryLock = new AsyncLock(); const profile = aggregateProfile !== undefined ? aggregateProfile : UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: }); const bio = this.userBioHtmlCache.fetch(identifier, async () => { return htmlCacheEntryLock.acquire(, async () => { if (htmlCacheEntry === undefined) await this.fetchFromCacheWithFallback(u, await profile, ctx); if (htmlCacheEntry === null) { return Promise.resolve(profile).then(async profile => { return MfmHelpers.toHtml(mfm.parse(profile?.description ?? ""), profile?.mentions, .then(p => p ?? escapeMFM(profile?.description ?? "")) .then(p => p !== '

' ? p : null) }); } return htmlCacheEntry?.bio ?? null; }); }, true) .then(p => p ?? '

'); const avatar = u.avatarId ? DriveFiles.getFinalUrlMaybe(u.avatarUrl) ?? (DriveFiles.findOneBy({ id: u.avatarId })) .then(p => p?.url ?? Users.getIdenticonUrl( .then(p => DriveFiles.getFinalUrl(p)) : Users.getIdenticonUrl(; const banner = u.bannerId ? DriveFiles.getFinalUrlMaybe(u.bannerUrl) ?? (DriveFiles.findOneBy({ id: u.bannerId })) .then(p => p?.url ?? `${config.url}/static-assets/transparent.png`) .then(p => DriveFiles.getFinalUrl(p)) : `${config.url}/static-assets/transparent.png`; const isFollowedOrSelf = (ctx.followedOrSelfAggregate as Map)?.get( ?? (!!localUser && ( === || Followings.exist({ where: { followeeId:, followerId:, }, }) )); const followersCount = Promise.resolve(profile).then(async profile => { if (profile === null) return u.followersCount; switch (profile.ffVisibility) { case "public": return u.followersCount; case "followers": return Promise.resolve(isFollowedOrSelf).then(isFollowedOrSelf => isFollowedOrSelf ? u.followersCount : 0); case "private": return localUser?.id === profile.userId ? u.followersCount : 0; } }); const followingCount = Promise.resolve(profile).then(async profile => { if (profile === null) return u.followingCount; switch (profile.ffVisibility) { case "public": return u.followingCount; case "followers": return Promise.resolve(isFollowedOrSelf).then(isFollowedOrSelf => isFollowedOrSelf ? u.followingCount : 0); case "private": return localUser?.id === profile.userId ? u.followingCount : 0; } }); const fields = this.userFieldsHtmlCache.fetch(identifier, async () => { return htmlCacheEntryLock.acquire(, async () => { if (htmlCacheEntry === undefined) await this.fetchFromCacheWithFallback(u, await profile, ctx); if (htmlCacheEntry === null) { return Promise.resolve(profile).then(profile => Promise.all(profile? p => this.encodeField(p,, profile?.mentions)) ?? [])); } return htmlCacheEntry?.fields ?? []; }); }, true); return awaitAll({ id:, username: u.username, acct: acct, fqn: fqn, display_name: || u.username, locked: u.isLocked, created_at: u.createdAt.toISOString(), followers_count: followersCount, following_count: followingCount, statuses_count: u.notesCount, note: bio, url: u.uri ?? acctUrl, avatar: avatar, avatar_static: avatar, header: banner, header_static: banner, emojis: populateEmojis(u.emojis, => => EmojiConverter.encode(e))), moved: null, //FIXME fields: fields, bot: u.isBot, discoverable: u.isExplorable }).then(p => { // noinspection ES6MissingAwait UserHelpers.updateUserInBackground(u); cache.accounts.push(p); return p; }); }); } public static async aggregateData(users: User[], ctx: MastoContext): Promise { const user = ctx.user as ILocalUser | null; const targets = unique( =>; const followedOrSelfAggregate = new Map(); const userProfileAggregate = new Map(); const htmlUserCacheAggregate = ctx.htmlUserCacheAggregate ?? new Map(); if (config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) { const htmlUserCacheEntries = await HtmlUserCacheEntries.findBy({ userId: In(targets) }); for (const target of targets) { htmlUserCacheAggregate.set(target, htmlUserCacheEntries.find(n => n.userId === target) ?? null); } } if (user) { const targetsWithoutSelf = targets.filter(u => u !==; if (targetsWithoutSelf.length > 0) { const followings = await Followings.createQueryBuilder('following') .select('following.followeeId') .where('following.followerId = :meId', { meId: }) .andWhere('following.followeeId IN (:...targets)', { targets: targetsWithoutSelf }) .getMany(); for (const userId of targetsWithoutSelf) { followedOrSelfAggregate.set(userId, !!followings.find(f => f.followerId === userId)); } } followedOrSelfAggregate.set(, true); } const profiles = await UserProfiles.findBy({ userId: In(targets) }); for (const userId of targets) { userProfileAggregate.set(userId, profiles.find(p => p.userId === userId) ?? null); } ctx.followedOrSelfAggregate = followedOrSelfAggregate; ctx.htmlUserCacheAggregate = htmlUserCacheAggregate; } public static async aggregateDataByIds(userIds: User["id"][], ctx: MastoContext): Promise { const targets = unique(userIds); const htmlUserCacheAggregate = ctx.htmlUserCacheAggregate ?? new Map(); if (config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) { const htmlUserCacheEntries = await HtmlUserCacheEntries.findBy({ userId: In(targets) }); for (const target of targets) { htmlUserCacheAggregate.set(target, htmlUserCacheEntries.find(n => n.userId === target) ?? null); } } ctx.htmlUserCacheAggregate = htmlUserCacheAggregate; } public static async encodeMany(users: User[], ctx: MastoContext): Promise { await this.aggregateData(users, ctx); const encoded = => this.encode(u, ctx)); return Promise.all(encoded); } private static async encodeField(f: Field, host: string | null, mentions: IMentionedRemoteUsers): Promise { return { name:, value: await MfmHelpers.toHtml(mfm.parse(f.value), mentions, host, true) ?? escapeMFM(f.value), verified_at: f.verified ? (new Date()).toISOString() : null, } } private static async fetchFromCacheWithFallback(user: User, profile: UserProfile | null, ctx: MastoContext): Promise { if (!config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) return null; let dbHit: HtmlUserCacheEntry | Promise | null | undefined = (ctx.htmlUserCacheAggregate as Map | undefined)?.get(; if (dbHit === undefined) dbHit = HtmlUserCacheEntries.findOneBy({ userId: }); return Promise.resolve(dbHit) .then(res => { if (res === null || (res.updatedAt.getTime() !== (user.lastFetchedAt ?? user.createdAt).getTime())) { this.prewarmCache(user, profile); return null; } return res; }); } public static async prewarmCache(user: User, profile?: UserProfile | null, oldProfile?: UserProfile | null): Promise { const identifier = `${}:${(user.lastFetchedAt ?? user.createdAt).getTime()}`; if (profile !== null) { if (config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) { if (profile === undefined) { profile = await UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: }); } if (oldProfile !== undefined && profile?.fields === oldProfile?.fields && profile?.description === oldProfile?.description) { HtmlUserCacheEntries.update({ userId: }, { updatedAt: user.lastFetchedAt ?? user.createdAt }); return; } } if (!config.htmlCache?.prewarm) return; if (profile === undefined) { profile = await UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: }); } if (await this.userBioHtmlCache.get(identifier) === undefined) { const bio = MfmHelpers.toHtml(mfm.parse(profile?.description ?? ""), profile?.mentions, .then(p => p ?? escapeMFM(profile?.description ?? "")) .then(p => p !== '

' ? p : null); this.userBioHtmlCache.set(identifier, await bio); if (config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) HtmlUserCacheEntries.upsert({ userId:, updatedAt: user.lastFetchedAt ?? user.createdAt, bio: await bio }, ["userId"]); } if (await this.userFieldsHtmlCache.get(identifier) === undefined) { const fields = await Promise.all(profile! p => this.encodeField(p,, profile!.mentions)) ?? []); this.userFieldsHtmlCache.set(identifier, fields); if (config.htmlCache?.dbFallback) HtmlUserCacheEntries.upsert({ userId:, updatedAt: user.lastFetchedAt ?? user.createdAt, fields: fields }, ["userId"]); } } } public static async prewarmCacheById(userId: string, oldProfile?: UserProfile | null): Promise { await this.prewarmCache(await getUser(userId), undefined, oldProfile); } }