import type { EventEmitter } from "events"; import type * as websocket from "websocket"; import type { ILocalUser, User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import type { MastodonStream } from "./channel.js"; import { Blockings, Followings, Mutings, RenoteMutings, UserProfiles, } from "@/models/index.js"; import type { AccessToken } from "@/models/entities/access-token.js"; import type { UserProfile } from "@/models/entities/user-profile.js"; import { StreamEventEmitter, StreamMessages } from "@/server/api/stream/types.js"; import { apiLogger } from "@/server/api/logger.js"; import { MastodonStreamUser } from "@/server/api/mastodon/streaming/channels/user.js"; import { MastodonStreamDirect } from "@/server/api/mastodon/streaming/channels/direct.js"; import { MastodonStreamPublic } from "@/server/api/mastodon/streaming/channels/public.js"; import { MastodonStreamList } from "@/server/api/mastodon/streaming/channels/list.js"; import { ParsedUrlQuery } from "querystring"; import { toSingleLast } from "@/prelude/array.js"; import { MastodonStreamTag } from "@/server/api/mastodon/streaming/channels/tag.js"; import { AuthConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/auth.js"; const logger = apiLogger.createSubLogger("streaming").createSubLogger("mastodon"); const channels: Record = { "user": MastodonStreamUser, "user:notification": MastodonStreamUser, "direct": MastodonStreamDirect, "list": MastodonStreamList, "public": MastodonStreamPublic, "public:media": MastodonStreamPublic, "public:local": MastodonStreamPublic, "public:local:media": MastodonStreamPublic, "public:remote": MastodonStreamPublic, "public:remote:media": MastodonStreamPublic, "hashtag": MastodonStreamTag, "hashtag:local": MastodonStreamTag, } export class MastodonStreamingConnection { public user?: ILocalUser; public userProfile?: UserProfile | null; public following: Set = new Set(); public muting: Set = new Set(); public renoteMuting: Set = new Set(); public blocking: Set = new Set(); public token?: AccessToken; private wsConnection: websocket.connection; private channels: MastodonStream[] = []; public subscriber: StreamEventEmitter; constructor( wsConnection: websocket.connection, subscriber: EventEmitter, user: ILocalUser | null | undefined, token: AccessToken | null | undefined, query: ParsedUrlQuery, ) { const channel = toSingleLast(; logger.debug(`New connection on channel: ${channel}`); this.wsConnection = wsConnection; this.subscriber = subscriber; if (user) this.user = user; if (token) this.token = token; this.onMessage = this.onMessage.bind(this); this.onUserEvent = this.onUserEvent.bind(this); this.wsConnection.on("message", this.onMessage); if (this.user) { this.updateFollowing(); this.updateMuting(); this.updateRenoteMuting(); this.updateBlocking(); this.updateUserProfile(); this.subscriber.on(`user:${}`, this.onUserEvent); } if (channel) { const list = toSingleLast(query.list); const tag = toSingleLast(query.tag); this.onMessage({ type: "utf8", utf8Data: JSON.stringify({ stream: channel, type: "subscribe", list, tag }), }); } } private onUserEvent(data: StreamMessages["user"]["payload"]) { switch (data.type) { case "follow": this.following.add(; break; case "unfollow": this.following.delete(; break; case "mute": this.muting.add(; break; case "unmute": this.muting.delete(; break; // TODO: renote mute events // TODO: block events case "updateUserProfile": this.userProfile = data.body; break; case "terminate": this.closeConnection(); break; default: break; } } private async onMessage(data: websocket.Message) { if (data.type !== "utf8") return; if (data.utf8Data == null) return; let message: Record; try { message = JSON.parse(data.utf8Data); } catch (e) { logger.error("Failed to parse json data, ignoring"); return; } const { stream, type, list, tag } = message; if (! || !message.type) { logger.error("Invalid message received, ignoring"); return; } if (list ?? tag)`${type}: ${stream} ${list ?? tag}`); else`${type}: ${stream}`); switch (type) { case "subscribe": this.connectChannel(stream, list, tag); break; case "unsubscribe": this.disconnectChannel(stream); break; } } public send(stream: string, event: string, payload: any) { const json = JSON.stringify({ stream: [stream], event: event, payload: typeof payload === "string" ? payload : JSON.stringify(payload), }) this.wsConnection.send(json); } public connectChannel(channel: string, list?: string, tag?: string) { if (channels[channel].requireCredential) { if (this.user == null) {`Refusing connection to channel ${channel} without authentication, terminating connection`); this.closeConnection(); return; } else if (!AuthConverter.decode(channels[channel].requiredScopes).every(p => this.token?.permission.includes(p))) {`Refusing connection to channel ${channel} without required OAuth scopes, terminating connection`); this.closeConnection(); return; } } if ( channels[channel].shouldShare && this.channels.some((c) => c.chName === channel) ) { return; } let ch: MastodonStream; if (channel === "list") { ch = new channels[channel](this, channel, list); } else if (channel.startsWith("hashtag")) ch = new channels[channel](this, channel, tag); else ch = new channels[channel](this, channel); this.channels.push(ch); ch.init(null); } public disconnectChannel(channelName: string) { const channel = this.channels.find((c) => c.chName === channelName); if (channel) { if (channel.dispose) channel.dispose(); this.channels = this.channels.filter((c) => c.chName !== channelName); } } private async updateFollowing() { const followings = await Followings.find({ where: { followerId: this.user!.id, }, select: ["followeeId"], }); this.following = new Set( => x.followeeId)); } private async updateMuting() { const mutings = await Mutings.find({ where: { muterId: this.user!.id, }, select: ["muteeId"], }); this.muting = new Set( => x.muteeId)); } private async updateRenoteMuting() { const renoteMutings = await RenoteMutings.find({ where: { muterId: this.user!.id, }, select: ["muteeId"], }); this.renoteMuting = new Set( => x.muteeId)); } private async updateBlocking() { const blockings = await Blockings.find({ where: { blockeeId: this.user!.id, }, select: ["blockerId"], }); this.blocking = new Set( => x.blockerId)); } private async updateUserProfile() { this.userProfile = await UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: this.user!.id, }); } public closeConnection() { this.wsConnection.close(); this.dispose(); } public dispose() { for (const c of this.channels.filter((c) => c.dispose)) { if (c.dispose) c.dispose(); } } }