import promiseLimit from "promise-limit"; import * as mfm from "mfm-js"; import config from "@/config/index.js"; import Resolver from "../resolver.js"; import post from "@/services/note/create.js"; import { extractMentionedUsers } from "@/services/note/create.js"; import { resolvePerson } from "./person.js"; import { resolveImage } from "./image.js"; import type { ILocalUser, CacheableRemoteUser, } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { htmlToMfm } from "../misc/html-to-mfm.js"; import { extractApHashtags } from "./tag.js"; import { unique, toArray, toSingle } from "@/prelude/array.js"; import { extractPollFromQuestion } from "./question.js"; import vote from "@/services/note/polls/vote.js"; import { apLogger } from "../logger.js"; import { DriveFile } from "@/models/entities/drive-file.js"; import { extractDbHost, toPuny } from "@/misc/convert-host.js"; import { Emojis, Polls, MessagingMessages, Notes, NoteEdits, DriveFiles, } from "@/models/index.js"; import type { IMentionedRemoteUsers, Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js"; import type { IObject, IPost } from "../type.js"; import { getOneApId, getApId, getOneApHrefNullable, validPost, isEmoji, getApType, } from "../type.js"; import type { Emoji } from "@/models/entities/emoji.js"; import { genId } from "@/misc/gen-id.js"; import { getApLock } from "@/misc/app-lock.js"; import { createMessage } from "@/services/messages/create.js"; import { parseAudience } from "../audience.js"; import { extractApMentions } from "./mention.js"; import DbResolver from "../db-resolver.js"; import { StatusError } from "@/misc/fetch.js"; import { shouldBlockInstance } from "@/misc/should-block-instance.js"; import { publishNoteStream } from "@/services/stream.js"; import { extractHashtags } from "@/misc/extract-hashtags.js"; import { UserProfiles } from "@/models/index.js"; import { In } from "typeorm"; import { DB_MAX_IMAGE_COMMENT_LENGTH } from "@/misc/hard-limits.js"; import { truncate } from "@/misc/truncate.js"; import { type Size, getEmojiSize } from "@/misc/emoji-meta.js"; import { fetchMeta } from "@/misc/fetch-meta.js"; const logger = apLogger; export function validateNote(object: any, uri: string) { const expectHost = extractDbHost(uri); if (object == null) { return new Error("invalid Note: object is null"); } if (!validPost.includes(getApType(object))) { return new Error(`invalid Note: invalid object type ${getApType(object)}`); } if ( && extractDbHost( !== expectHost) { return new Error( `invalid Note: id has different host. expected: ${expectHost}, actual: ${extractDbHost(, )}`, ); } if ( object.attributedTo && extractDbHost(getOneApId(object.attributedTo)) !== expectHost ) { return new Error( `invalid Note: attributedTo has different host. expected: ${expectHost}, actual: ${extractDbHost( object.attributedTo, )}`, ); } return null; } /** * Fetch Notes. * * If the target Note is registered in Iceshrimp, it will be returned. */ export async function fetchNote( object: string | IObject, ): Promise { const dbResolver = new DbResolver(); return await dbResolver.getNoteFromApId(object); } /** * Create a Note. */ export async function createNote( value: string | IObject, resolver?: Resolver, silent = false, ): Promise { if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); const object: any = await resolver.resolve(value); const entryUri = getApId(value); const err = validateNote(object, entryUri); if (err) { logger.error(`${err.message}`, { resolver: { history: resolver.getHistory(), }, value: value, object: object, }); throw new Error("invalid note"); } const note: IPost = object; if ( && !"https://")) { throw new Error(`unexpected schema of ${}`); } const url = getOneApHrefNullable(note.url); if (url && !url.startsWith("https://")) { throw new Error(`unexpected schema of note url: ${url}`); } logger.debug(`Note fetched: ${JSON.stringify(note, null, 2)}`);`Creating the Note: ${}`); // Skip if note is made before 2007 (1yr before Fedi was created) // OR skip if note is made 3 days in advance if (note.published) { const DateChecker = new Date(note.published); const FutureCheck = new Date(); FutureCheck.setDate(FutureCheck.getDate() + 3); // Allow some wiggle room for misconfigured hosts if (DateChecker.getFullYear() < 2007) { logger.warn( "Note somehow made before Activitypub was created; discarding", ); return null; } if (DateChecker > FutureCheck) { logger.warn("Note somehow made after today; discarding"); return null; } } // Fetch author const actor = (await resolvePerson( getOneApId(note.attributedTo), resolver, )) as CacheableRemoteUser; // Skip if author is suspended. if (actor.isSuspended) { logger.debug( `User ${actor.usernameLower}@${} suspended; discarding.`, ); return null; } const noteAudience = await parseAudience(actor,,; let visibility = noteAudience.visibility; const visibleUsers = noteAudience.visibleUsers; // If Audience (to, cc) was not specified if (visibility === "specified" && visibleUsers.length === 0) { if (typeof value === "string") { // If the input is a string, GET occurs in resolver // Public if you can GET anonymously from here visibility = "public"; } } let isTalk = note._misskey_talk && visibility === "specified"; const apMentions = await extractApMentions(note.tag); const apHashtags = await extractApHashtags(note.tag); // Attachments // TODO: attachmentは必ずしもImageではない // TODO: attachmentは必ずしも配列ではない // Noteがsensitiveなら添付もsensitiveにする const limit = promiseLimit(2); note.attachment = Array.isArray(note.attachment) ? note.attachment : note.attachment ? [note.attachment] : []; const files = (attach) => (attach.sensitive = note.sensitive), ) ? ( await Promise.all( (x) => limit(() => resolveImage(actor, x)) as Promise, ), ) ).filter((image) => image != null) : []; // Reply const reply: Note | null = note.inReplyTo ? await resolveNote(note.inReplyTo, resolver) .then((x) => { if (x == null) { logger.warn("Specified inReplyTo, but nout found"); throw new Error("inReplyTo not found"); } else { return x; } }) .catch(async (e) => { // トークだったらinReplyToのエラーは無視 const uri = getApId(note.inReplyTo); if (uri.startsWith(`${config.url}/`)) { const id = uri.split("/").pop(); const talk = await MessagingMessages.findOneBy({ id }); if (talk) { isTalk = true; return null; } } logger.warn( `Error in inReplyTo ${note.inReplyTo} - ${e.statusCode || e}`, ); throw e; }) : null; // Quote let quote: Note | undefined | null; if (note._misskey_quote || note.quoteUrl || note.quoteUri) { const tryResolveNote = async ( uri: string, ): Promise< | { status: "ok"; res: Note | null; } | { status: "permerror" | "temperror"; } > => { if (typeof uri !== "string" || !uri.match(/^https?:/)) return { status: "permerror" }; try { const res = await resolveNote(uri); if (res) { return { status: "ok", res, }; } else { return { status: "permerror", }; } } catch (e) { return { status: e instanceof StatusError && e.isClientError ? "permerror" : "temperror", }; } }; const uris = unique( [note._misskey_quote, note.quoteUrl, note.quoteUri].filter( (x): x is string => typeof x === "string", ), ); const results = await Promise.all( => tryResolveNote(uri))); quote = results .filter((x): x is { status: "ok"; res: Note | null } => x.status === "ok") .map((x) => x.res) .find((x) => x); if (!quote) { if (results.some((x) => x.status === "temperror")) { throw new Error("quote resolve failed"); } } } const cw = note.summary === "" ? null : note.summary; // Text parsing let text: string | null = null; if ( note.source?.mediaType === "text/x.misskeymarkdown" && typeof note.source?.content === "string" ) { text = note.source.content; } else if (typeof note._misskey_content !== "undefined") { text = note._misskey_content; } else if (typeof note.content === "string") { text = htmlToMfm(note.content, note.tag); } // vote if (reply?.hasPoll) { const poll = await Polls.findOneByOrFail({ noteId: }); const tryCreateVote = async ( name: string, index: number, ): Promise => { if (poll.expiresAt && > new Date(poll.expiresAt).getTime()) { logger.warn( `vote to expired poll from AP: actor=${actor.username}@${}, note=${}, choice=${name}`, ); } else if (index >= 0) { `vote from AP: actor=${actor.username}@${}, note=${}, choice=${name}`, ); await vote(actor, reply, index); } return null; }; if ( { return await tryCreateVote(, poll.choices.findIndex((x) => x ===, ); } } const emojis = await extractEmojis(note.tag || [], => {`extractEmojis: ${e}`); return [] as Emoji[]; }); const apEmojis = =>; const poll = await extractPollFromQuestion(note, resolver).catch( () => undefined, ); if (isTalk) { for (const recipient of visibleUsers) { await createMessage( actor, recipient, undefined, text || undefined, files && files.length > 0 ? files[0] : null,, ); return null; } } return await post( actor, { createdAt: note.published ? new Date(note.published) : null, files, reply, renote: quote, name:, cw, text, localOnly: false, visibility, visibleUsers, apMentions, apHashtags, apEmojis, poll, uri:, url: url, }, silent, ); } /** * Resolve Note. * * If the target Note is registered in Iceshrimp, return it, otherwise * Fetch from remote server, register with Iceshrimp and return it. */ export async function resolveNote( value: string | IObject, resolver?: Resolver, ): Promise { const uri = typeof value === "string" ? value :; if (uri == null) throw new Error("missing uri"); // Abort if origin host is blocked if (await shouldBlockInstance(extractDbHost(uri))) throw new StatusError( "host blocked", 451, `host ${extractDbHost(uri)} is blocked`, ); const unlock = await getApLock(uri); try { //#region Returns if already registered with this server const exist = await fetchNote(uri); if (exist) { return exist; } //#endregion if (uri.startsWith(config.url)) { throw new StatusError( "cannot resolve local note", 400, "cannot resolve local note", ); } // Fetch from remote server and register // If the attached `Note` Object is specified here instead of the uri, the note will be generated without going through the server fetch. // Since the attached Note Object may be disguised, always specify the uri and fetch it from the server. return await createNote(uri, resolver, true); } finally { unlock(); } } export async function extractEmojis( tags: IObject | IObject[], host: string, ): Promise { host = toPuny(host); if (!tags) return []; const eomjiTags = toArray(tags).filter(isEmoji); return await Promise.all( (tag) => { const name =!.replace(/^:/, "").replace(/:$/, ""); tag.icon = toSingle(tag.icon); const exists = await Emojis.findOneBy({ host, name, }); if (exists) { if ( (tag.updated != null && exists.updatedAt == null) || ( != null && exists.uri == null) || (tag.updated != null && exists.updatedAt != null && new Date(tag.updated) > exists.updatedAt) || tag.icon!.url !== exists.originalUrl || !(exists.width && exists.height) ) { let size: Size = { width: 0, height: 0 }; try { size = await getEmojiSize(tag.icon!.url); } catch { /* skip if any error happens */ } await Emojis.update( { host, name, }, { uri:, originalUrl: tag.icon!.url, publicUrl: tag.icon!.url, updatedAt: new Date(), width: size.width || null, height: size.height || null, }, ); return (await Emojis.findOneBy({ host, name, })) as Emoji; } return exists; }`register emoji host=${host}, name=${name}`); let size: Size = { width: 0, height: 0 }; try { size = await getEmojiSize(tag.icon!.url); } catch { /* skip if any error happens */ } return await Emojis.insert({ id: genId(), host, name, uri:, originalUrl: tag.icon!.url, publicUrl: tag.icon!.url, updatedAt: new Date(), aliases: [], width: size.width || null, height: size.height || null, } as Partial).then((x) => Emojis.findOneByOrFail(x.identifiers[0]), ); }), ); } type TagDetail = { type: string; name: string; }; function notEmpty(partial: Partial) { return Object.keys(partial).length > 0; } export async function updateNote(value: string | IObject, resolver?: Resolver) { const uri = typeof value === "string" ? value :; if (!uri) throw new Error("Missing note uri"); // Skip if URI points to this server if (uri.startsWith(`${config.url}/`)) throw new Error("uri points local"); // A new resolver is created if not specified if (resolver == null) resolver = new Resolver(); // Resolve the updated Note object const post = (await resolver.resolve(value)) as IPost; const actor = (await resolvePerson( getOneApId(post.attributedTo), resolver, )) as CacheableRemoteUser; // Already registered with this server? const note = await Notes.findOneBy({ uri }); if (note == null) { return await createNote(post, resolver); } // Whether to tell clients the note has been updated and requires refresh. let publishing = false; // Text parsing let text: string | null = null; if ( post.source?.mediaType === "text/x.misskeymarkdown" && typeof post.source?.content === "string" ) { text = post.source.content; } else if (typeof post._misskey_content !== "undefined") { text = post._misskey_content; } else if (typeof post.content === "string") { text = htmlToMfm(post.content, post.tag); } const cw = post.sensitive && post.summary; // File parsing const fileList = post.attachment ? Array.isArray(post.attachment) ? post.attachment : [post.attachment] : []; const files = => (f.sensitive = post.sensitive)); // Fetch files const limit = promiseLimit(2); const driveFiles = ( await Promise.all( (x) => limit(async () => { const file = await resolveImage(actor, x); const update: Partial = {}; const altText = truncate(, DB_MAX_IMAGE_COMMENT_LENGTH); if (file.comment !== altText) { update.comment = altText; } // Don't unmark previously marked sensitive files, // but if edited post contains sensitive marker, update it. if (post.sensitive && !file.isSensitive) { update.isSensitive = post.sensitive; } if (notEmpty(update)) { await DriveFiles.update(, update); publishing = true; } return file; }) as Promise, ), ) ).filter((file) => file != null); const fileIds = =>; const fileTypes = => file.type); const apEmojis = ( await extractEmojis(post.tag || [], => []) ).map((emoji) =>; const apMentions = await extractApMentions(post.tag); const apHashtags = await extractApHashtags(post.tag); const poll = await extractPollFromQuestion(post, resolver).catch( () => undefined, ); const choices = poll?.choices.flatMap((choice) => mfm.parse(choice)) ?? []; const tokens = mfm .parse(text || "") .concat(mfm.parse(cw || "")) .concat(choices); const hashTags: string[] = apHashtags || extractHashtags(tokens); const mentionUsers = apMentions || (await extractMentionedUsers(actor, tokens)); const mentionUserIds = =>; const remoteUsers = mentionUsers.filter((user) => != null); const remoteUserIds = =>; const remoteProfiles = await UserProfiles.findBy({ userId: In(remoteUserIds), }); const mentionedRemoteUsers = => { const profile = remoteProfiles.find( (profile) => profile.userId ===, ); return { username: user.username, host: ?? null, uri: user.uri, url: profile ? profile.url : undefined, } as IMentionedRemoteUsers[0]; }); const update = {} as Partial; if (text && text !== note.text) { update.text = text; } if (cw !== { = cw ? cw : null; } if (fileIds.sort().join(",") !== note.fileIds.sort().join(",")) { update.fileIds = fileIds; update.attachedFileTypes = fileTypes; } if (hashTags.sort().join(",") !== note.tags.sort().join(",")) { update.tags = hashTags; } if (mentionUserIds.sort().join(",") !== note.mentions.sort().join(",")) { update.mentions = mentionUserIds; update.mentionedRemoteUsers = JSON.stringify(mentionedRemoteUsers); } if (apEmojis.sort().join(",") !== note.emojis.sort().join(",")) { update.emojis = apEmojis; } if (note.hasPoll !== !!poll) { update.hasPoll = !!poll; } if (poll) { const dbPoll = await Polls.findOneBy({ noteId: }); if (dbPoll == null) { await Polls.insert({ noteId:, choices: poll?.choices, multiple: poll?.multiple, votes: poll?.votes, expiresAt: poll?.expiresAt, noteVisibility: note.visibility === "hidden" ? "home" : note.visibility, userId:, userHost:, }); updating = true; } else if ( dbPoll.multiple !== poll.multiple || dbPoll.expiresAt !== poll.expiresAt || dbPoll.noteVisibility !== note.visibility || JSON.stringify(dbPoll.choices) !== JSON.stringify(poll.choices) ) { await Polls.update( { noteId: }, { choices: poll?.choices, multiple: poll?.multiple, votes: poll?.votes, expiresAt: poll?.expiresAt, noteVisibility: note.visibility === "hidden" ? "home" : note.visibility, }, ); updating = true; } else { for (let i = 0; i < poll.choices.length; i++) { if (dbPoll.votes[i] !== poll.votes?.[i]) { await Polls.update({ noteId: }, { votes: poll?.votes }); publishing = true; break; } } } } // Update Note if (notEmpty(update)) { update.updatedAt = new Date(); // Save updated note to the database await Notes.update({ uri }, update); // Save an edit history for the previous note await NoteEdits.insert({ id: genId(), noteId:, text: note.text, cw:, fileIds: note.fileIds, updatedAt: update.updatedAt, }); publishing = true; } if (publishing) { // Publish update event for the updated note details publishNoteStream(, "updated", { updatedAt: update.updatedAt, }); } }