import config from "@/config/index.js"; import { getUserKeypair } from "@/misc/keypair-store.js"; import type { User } from "@/models/entities/user.js"; import { getResponse } from "../../misc/fetch.js"; import { createSignedPost, createSignedGet } from "./ap-request.js"; import { apLogger } from "@/remote/activitypub/logger.js"; export default async (user: { id: User["id"] }, url: string, object: any) => { const body = JSON.stringify(object); const keypair = await getUserKeypair(; const req = createSignedPost({ key: { privateKeyPem: keypair.privateKey, keyId: `${config.url}/users/${}#main-key`, }, url, body, additionalHeaders: { "User-Agent": config.userAgent, }, }); await getResponse({ url, method: req.request.method, headers: req.request.headers, body, }); }; /** * Get AP object with http-signature * @param user http-signature user * @param url URL to fetch * @param redirects whether or not to accept redirects */ export async function signedGet(url: string, user: { id: User["id"] }, redirects: boolean = true) { apLogger.debug(`Running signedGet on url: ${url}`); const keypair = await getUserKeypair(; const req = createSignedGet({ key: { privateKeyPem: keypair.privateKey, keyId: `${config.url}/users/${}#main-key`, }, url, additionalHeaders: { "User-Agent": config.userAgent, }, }); const res = await getResponse({ url, method: req.request.method, headers: req.request.headers, redirect: redirects ? "manual" : "error" }); if (redirects && [301,302,307,308].includes(res.status)) { const newUrl = res.headers.get('location'); if (!newUrl) throw new Error('signedGet got redirect but no target location'); apLogger.debug(`signedGet is redirecting to ${newUrl}`); return signedGet(newUrl, user, false); } const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type'); if (contentType == null || (contentType !== 'application/activity+json' && !contentType.startsWith('application/activity+json;') && contentType !== 'application/ld+json' && !contentType.startsWith('application/ld+json;'))) throw new Error(`signedGet response had unexpected content-type: ${contentType}`); return await res.json(); }