
334 lines
10 KiB

import { URL } from "node:url";
import chalk from "chalk";
import { IsNull } from "typeorm";
import config from "@/config/index.js";
import type { User, IRemoteUser } from "@/models/entities/user.js";
import { UserProfiles, Users } from "@/models/index.js";
import { toPuny } from "@/misc/convert-host.js";
import webFinger from "./webfinger.js";
import { createPerson, updatePerson } from "./activitypub/models/person.js";
import { remoteLogger } from "./logger.js";
import { Cache } from "@/misc/cache.js";
import { IMentionedRemoteUsers } from "@/models/entities/note.js";
const logger = remoteLogger.createSubLogger("resolve-user");
const uriHostCache = new Cache<string>("resolveUserUriHost", 60 * 60 * 24);
export async function resolveUser(
username: string,
host: string | null,
refresh: boolean = true
): Promise<User> {
const usernameLower = username.toLowerCase();
// Return local user if host part is empty
if (host == null) {`return local user: ${usernameLower}`);
return await Users.findOneBy({ usernameLower, host: IsNull() }).then(
(u) => {
if (u == null) {
throw new Error("user not found");
} else {
return u;
host = toPuny(host);
// Also return local user if host part is specified but referencing the local instance
if ( === host || config.domain === host) {`return local user: ${usernameLower}`);
return await Users.findOneBy({ usernameLower, host: IsNull() }).then(
(u) => {
if (u == null) {
throw new Error("user not found");
} else {
return u;
// Check if remote user is already in the database
let user = (await Users.findOneBy({
})) as IRemoteUser | null;
const acctLower = `${usernameLower}@${host}`;
// If not, look up the user on the remote server
if (user == null) {
// Run WebFinger
const fingerRes = await resolveUserWebFinger(acctLower);
const finalAcct = subjectToAcct(fingerRes.subject);
const finalAcctLower = finalAcct.toLowerCase();
const m = finalAcct.match(/^([^@]+)@(.*)/);
const subjectHost = m ? m[2] : undefined;
// If subject is different, we're dealing with a split domain setup (that's already been validated by resolveUserWebFinger)
if (acctLower != finalAcctLower) {'re-resolving split domain redirect user...');
const m = finalAcct.match(/^([^@]+)@(.*)/);
if (m) {
// Re-check if we already have the user in the database post-redirect
user = (await Users.findOneBy({
usernameLower: usernameLower,
host: subjectHost,
})) as IRemoteUser | null;
// If yes, return existing user
if (user != null) {
logger.succ(`return existing remote user: ${chalk.magenta(finalAcctLower)}`);
return user;
// Otherwise create and return new user
else {
logger.succ(`return new remote user: ${chalk.magenta(finalAcctLower)}`);
return await createPerson(fingerRes.self.href, undefined, subjectHost);
// Not a split domain setup, so we can simply create and return the new user
logger.succ(`return new remote user: ${chalk.magenta(finalAcctLower)}`);
return await createPerson(fingerRes.self.href, undefined, subjectHost);
// If user information is out of date, return it by starting over from WebFilger
if (
refresh && (
user.lastFetchedAt == null || - user.lastFetchedAt.getTime() > 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
) {
// Prevent multiple attempts to connect to unconnected instances, update before each attempt to prevent subsequent similar attempts
await Users.update(, {
lastFetchedAt: new Date(),
});`try resync: ${acctLower}`);
const fingerRes = await resolveUserWebFinger(acctLower);
if (user.uri !== fingerRes.self.href) {
// if uri mismatch, Fix (user@host <=> AP's Person id(IRemoteUser.uri)) mapping.`uri missmatch: ${acctLower}`);
`recovery mismatch uri for (username=${username}, host=${host}) from ${user.uri} to ${fingerRes.self.href}`,
// validate uri
const uri = new URL(fingerRes.self.href);
if (uri.hostname !== host) {
throw new Error("Invalid uri");
await Users.update(
host: host,
uri: fingerRes.self.href,
} else {`uri is fine: ${acctLower}`);
const finalAcct = subjectToAcct(fingerRes.subject);
const finalAcctLower = finalAcct.toLowerCase();
const m = finalAcct.match(/^([^@]+)@(.*)/);
const finalHost = m ? m[2] : null;
// Update if we're dealing with an account that's part of a split domain setup that hasn't been fixed yet
if (m && != finalHost) {`updating user host to subject acct host: ${} -> ${finalHost}`);
await Users.update(
host: finalHost,
await updatePerson(fingerRes.self.href);`return resynced remote user: ${finalAcctLower}`);
return await Users.findOneBy({ uri: fingerRes.self.href }).then((u) => {
if (u == null) {
throw new Error("user not found");
} else {
return u;
}`return existing remote user: ${acctLower}`);
return user;
export async function resolveMentionWithFallback(username: string, host: string | null, objectHost: string | null, cache: IMentionedRemoteUsers): Promise<string> {
let fallback = `${config.url}/@${username}`;
if (host !== null && host !== config.domain)
fallback += `@${host}`;
else if (objectHost !== null && objectHost !== config.domain && host !== config.domain)
fallback += `@${objectHost}`;
const cached = cache.find(r => r.username.toLowerCase() === username.toLowerCase() && === host);
if (cached) return cached.url ?? cached.uri;
if ((host === null && objectHost === null) || host === config.domain) return fallback;
try {
const user = await resolveUser(username, host ?? objectHost, false);
const profile = await UserProfiles.findOneBy({ userId: });
return profile?.url ?? user.uri ?? fallback;
catch {
return fallback;
export async function getSubjectHostFromUri(uri: string): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const acct = subjectToAcct((await webFinger(uri)).subject);
const res = await resolveUserWebFinger(acct.toLowerCase());
const finalAcct = subjectToAcct(res.subject);
const m = finalAcct.match(/^([^@]+)@(.*)/);
if (!m) {
return null;
return m[2];
catch {
return null;
export async function getSubjectHostFromUriAndUsernameCached(uri: string, username: string): Promise<string | null> {
const url = new URL(uri);
const hostname = url.hostname;
username = username.substring(1); // remove leading @ from username
// This resolves invalid mentions with the URL format https://host.tld/@user@otherhost.tld
const match = url.pathname.match(/^\/@(?<user>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+|$)@(?<host>[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/)
if (match && match.groups?.host) {
if (hostname === config.hostname) {
// user is local, return local account domain
return config.domain;
const user = await Users.findOneBy({
usernameLower: username.toLowerCase(),
host: hostname
return user ? : await uriHostCache.fetch(uri, async () => await getSubjectHostFromUri(uri) ?? await getSubjectHostFromAcctParts(username, hostname) ?? hostname);
export async function getSubjectHostFromAcct(acct: string): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const res = await resolveUserWebFinger(acct.toLowerCase());
const finalAcct = subjectToAcct(res.subject);
const m = finalAcct.match(/^([^@]+)@(.*)/);
if (!m) {
return null;
return m[2];
catch {
return null;
export async function getSubjectHostFromRemoteUser(user: IRemoteUser | undefined): Promise<string | null> {
return user ? getSubjectHostFromAcct(`${user.username}@${}`) : null;
export async function getSubjectHostFromAcctParts(username?: string | undefined, host?: string | undefined): Promise<string | null> {
return username !== null && host !== null ? getSubjectHostFromAcct(`${username}@${host}`) : null;
async function resolveUserWebFinger(acctLower: string, recurse: boolean = true): Promise<{
subject: string,
self: {
href: string;
rel?: string;
}> {`WebFinger for ${chalk.yellow(acctLower)}`);
const fingerRes = await webFinger(acctLower).catch((e) => {
`Failed to WebFinger for ${chalk.yellow(acctLower)}: ${
e.statusCode || e.message
throw new Error(
`Failed to WebFinger for ${acctLower}: ${e.statusCode || e.message}`,
const self = fingerRes.links.find(
(link) => link.rel != null && link.rel.toLowerCase() === "self",
if (!self) {
`Failed to WebFinger for ${chalk.yellow(acctLower)}: self link not found`,
throw new Error("self link not found");
if (`${acctToSubject(acctLower)}` !== normalizeSubject(fingerRes.subject)) {`acct subject mismatch (${acctToSubject(acctLower)} !== ${normalizeSubject(fingerRes.subject)}), possible split domain deployment detected, repeating webfinger`)
if (!recurse){
logger.error('split domain verification failed (recurse limit reached), aborting')
throw new Error('split domain verification failed (recurse limit reached), aborting');
const initialAcct = subjectToAcct(fingerRes.subject);
const initialAcctLower = initialAcct.toLowerCase();
const splitFingerRes = await resolveUserWebFinger(initialAcctLower, false);
const finalAcct = subjectToAcct(splitFingerRes.subject);
const finalAcctLower = finalAcct.toLowerCase();
if (initialAcct !== finalAcct) {
logger.error('split domain verification failed (subject mismatch), aborting')
throw new Error('split domain verification failed (subject mismatch), aborting');
}`split domain configuration detected: ${acctLower} -> ${finalAcctLower}`);
return splitFingerRes;
return {
subject: fingerRes.subject,
self: self
function subjectToAcct(subject: string): string {
if (!subject.startsWith('acct:')) {
logger.error("Subject isnt a valid acct");
throw ("Subject isnt a valid acct");
return subject.substring(5);
function acctToSubject(acct: string): string {
return normalizeSubject(`acct:${acct}`);
function normalizeSubject(subject: string): string {
return subject.toLowerCase();