from enum import Enum class BoxTitleAnchor(Enum): LEFT = 0, CENTER = 1, RIGHT = 2, class ColorMode(Enum): RGBA = 1, GRAYSCALE = 2, BW = 3, class FlexDirection(Enum): ROW = 0, ROW_REVERSE = 1, COLUMN = 2, COLUMN_REVERSE = 3, class FlexWrap(Enum): NO_WRAP = 0, WRAP = 1, WRAP_REVERSE = 2, class FlexJustify(Enum): START = 0, END = 1, CENTER = 2, SPACE_BETWEEN = 3, SPACE_AROUND = 4, SPACE_EVENLY = 5, class FlexAlignItems(Enum): START = 0, END = 1, CENTER = 2, STRETCH = 3, class FlexAlignContent(Enum): START = 0, END = 1, CENTER = 2, STRETCH = 3, SPACE_BETWEEN = 4, SPACE_AROUND = 5, SPACE_EVENLY = 6, class TextAlign(Enum): LEFT = 0, CENTER = 1, RIGHT = 2 class TextVerticalAlign(Enum): TOP = 0, MIDDLE = 1, BOTTOM = 2 class TextWrap(Enum): NO_WRAP = 0, ONLY_WORDS = 1, PREFER_WORDS = 2, EVERYWHERE = 3 class ImageMode(Enum): ORIGINAL = 0, # use size of image, optionally scaled with `scale` option STRETCH = 1, # stretch image to available space, ignoring aspect ratio STRETCH_X = 2, # stretch image to available horizontal space, keep height the same, optionally scaled with `scale` option STRETCH_Y = 3, # stretch image to available vertical space, keep width the same, optionally scaled with `scale` option CONTAIN = 4, # scale image to available space, respecting aspect ratio, stretch as large as possible without cutting anything off COVER = 5, # scale image to available space, respecting aspect ratio, stretch as large as necessary to fill available space completely REPEAT = 6, # repeat image to fill available space REPEAT_X = 7, # repeat image to fill available horizontal space, optionally scaled like ORIGINAL REPEAT_Y = 8, # repeat image to fill available vertical space, optionally scaled like ORIGINAL REPEAT_X_STRETCH = 9, # stretch image ignoring aspect ratio so that it fills available vertical space, and repeat horizontally to fill available space REPEAT_Y_STRETCH = 10, # stretch image ignoring aspect ratio so that it fills available horizontal space, and repeat vertically to fill available space REPEAT_X_FILL = 11, # scale image with aspect ratio so that it fills available vertical space, and repeat horizontally to fill available space REPEAT_Y_FILL = 12, # scale image with aspect ratio so that it fills available horizontal space, and repeat vertically to fill available space class ImageAnchor(Enum): TOP_LEFT = 0, TOP_CENTER = 1, TOP_RIGHT = 2, MIDDLE_LEFT = 3, MIDDLE_CENTER = 4, MIDDLE_RIGHT = 5, BOTTOM_LEFT = 6, BOTTOM_CENTER = 7, BOTTOM_RIGHT = 8,