
110 lines
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//! ID generation utility based on [cuid2]
use crate::config::CONFIG;
use basen::BASE36;
use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use std::cmp;
static FINGERPRINT: OnceCell<String> = OnceCell::new();
static GENERATOR: OnceCell<cuid2::CuidConstructor> = OnceCell::new();
const TIME_2000: i64 = 946_684_800_000;
const TIMESTAMP_LENGTH: u8 = 8;
/// Initializes Cuid2 generator.
fn init_id_generator(length: u8, fingerprint: &str) {
FINGERPRINT.get_or_init(move || format!("{}{}", fingerprint, cuid2::create_id()));
GENERATOR.get_or_init(move || {
// length to pass shoule be greater than or equal to 8.
.with_length(cmp::max(length - TIMESTAMP_LENGTH, 8).into())
.with_fingerprinter(|| FINGERPRINT.get().unwrap().clone())
/// Returns Cuid2 with the length specified by [init_id_generator].
/// It automatically calls [init_id_generator], if the generator has not been initialized.
fn create_id(datetime: &NaiveDateTime) -> String {
if GENERATOR.get().is_none() {
let length = match &CONFIG.cuid {
Some(cuid) => cmp::min(cmp::max(cuid.length.unwrap_or(16), 16), 24),
None => 16,
let fingerprint = match &CONFIG.cuid {
Some(cuid) => cuid.fingerprint.as_deref().unwrap_or_default(),
None => "",
init_id_generator(length, fingerprint);
let date_num = cmp::max(0, datetime.and_utc().timestamp_millis() - TIME_2000) as u64;
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("Invalid ID: {id}")]
pub struct InvalidIdErr {
id: String,
pub fn get_timestamp(id: &str) -> Result<i64, InvalidIdErr> {
let n: Option<u64> = BASE36.decode_var_len(&id[0..8]);
if let Some(n) = n {
Ok(n as i64 + TIME_2000)
} else {
Err(InvalidIdErr { id: id.to_string() })
/// The generated ID results in the form of `[8 chars timestamp] + [cuid2]`.
/// The minimum and maximum lengths are 16 and 24, respectively.
/// With the length of 16, namely 8 for cuid2, roughly 1427399 IDs are needed
/// in the same millisecond to reach 50% chance of collision.
/// Ref:
pub fn gen_id() -> String {
/// Generate an ID using a specific datetime
pub fn gen_id_at(date: DateTime<Utc>) -> String {
mod unit_test {
use super::{gen_id, gen_id_at, get_timestamp};
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use pretty_assertions::{assert_eq, assert_ne};
use std::thread;
fn can_create_and_decode_id() {
let now = Utc::now();
assert_eq!(gen_id().len(), 16);
assert_ne!(gen_id_at(now), gen_id_at(now));
assert_ne!(gen_id(), gen_id());
let id1 = thread::spawn(move || gen_id_at(now));
let id2 = thread::spawn(move || gen_id_at(now));
assert_ne!(id1.join().unwrap(), id2.join().unwrap());
let test_id = gen_id_at(now);
let timestamp = get_timestamp(&test_id).unwrap();
assert_eq!(now.timestamp_millis(), timestamp);
let now_id = gen_id_at(now);
let old_id = gen_id_at(now - Duration::milliseconds(1));
let future_id = gen_id_at(now + Duration::milliseconds(1));
assert!(old_id < now_id);
assert!(now_id < future_id);