syuilo f0a29721c9
Use PostgreSQL instead of MongoDB (#4572)
* wip

* Update note.ts

* Update timeline.ts

* Update core.ts

* wip

* Update generate-visibility-query.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update global-timeline.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update vote.ts

* wip

* wip

* Update create.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update files.ts

* wip

* wip

* Update

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update read-notification.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update cancel.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update show.ts

* wip

* wip

* Update gen-id.ts

* Update create.ts

* Update id.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Docker: Update files about Docker (#4599)

* Docker: Use cache if files used by `yarn install` was not updated

This patch reduces the number of times to installing node_modules.
For example, `yarn install` step will be skipped when only ".config/default.yml" is updated.

* Docker: Migrate MongoDB to Postgresql

Misskey uses Postgresql as a database instead of Mongodb since version 11.

* Docker: Uncomment about data persistence

This patch will save a lot of databases.

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update activitypub.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update logs.ts

* wip

* Update drive-file.ts

* Update register.ts

* wip

* wip

* Update mentions.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update recommendation.ts

* wip

* Update index.ts

* wip

* Update recommendation.ts

* Doc: Update and (#1) (#4608)

Update how to set up misskey.

* wip

* ✌️

* wip

* Update note.ts

* Update postgre.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Update add-file.ts

* wip

* wip

* wip

* Clean up

* Update logs.ts

* wip

* 🍕

* wip

* Ad notes

* wip

* Update api-visibility.ts

* Update note.ts

* Update add-file.ts

* tests

* tests

* Update postgre.ts

* Update utils.ts

* wip

* wip

* Refactor

* wip

* Refactor

* wip

* wip

* Update show-users.ts

* Update update-instance.ts

* wip

* Update feed.ts

* Update outbox.ts

* Update outbox.ts

* Update user.ts

* wip

* Update list.ts

* Update update-hashtag.ts

* wip

* Update update-hashtag.ts

* Refactor

* Update update.ts

* wip

* wip

* ✌️

* clean up

* docs

* Update push.ts

* wip

* Update api.ts

* wip

* ✌️

* Update make-pagination-query.ts

* ✌️

* Delete hashtags.ts

* Update instances.ts

* Update instances.ts

* Update create.ts

* Update search.ts

* Update reversi-game.ts

* Update signup.ts

* Update user.ts

* id

* Update example.yml

* 🎨

* objectid

* fix

* reversi

* reversi

* Fix bug of chart engine

* Add test of chart engine

* Improve test

* Better testing

* Improve chart engine

* Refactor

* Add test of chart engine

* Refactor

* Add chart test

* Fix bug

* コミットし忘れ

* Refactoring

* ✌️

* Add tests

* Add test

* Extarct note tests

* Refactor

* 存在しないユーザーにメンションできなくなっていた問題を修正

* Fix bug

* Update update-meta.ts

* Fix bug

* Update mention.vue

* Fix bug

* Update meta.ts

* Update

* Fix bug

* Fix bug

* Fix bug

* Clean up

* Clean up

* Update notification.ts

* Clean up

* Add mute tests

* Add test

* Refactor

* Add test

* Fix test

* Refactor

* Refactor

* Add tests

* Update utils.ts

* Update utils.ts

* Fix test

* Update package.json

* Update update.ts

* Update manifest.ts

* Fix bug

* Fix bug

* Add test

* 🎨

* Update endpoint permissions

* Updaye permisison

* Update person.ts


* データベースと同期しないように

* Fix bug

* Fix bug

* Update reversi-game.ts

* Use a feature of Node v11.7.0 to extract a public key (#4644)

* wip

* wip

* ✌️

* Refactoring


* test

* test

* test

* test

* test

* test

* test

* Fix bug

* Fix test

* 🍣

* wip

* #4471

* Add test for #4335

* Refactor

* Fix test

* Add tests

* 🕓

* Fix bug

* Add test

* Add test

* rename

* Fix bug
2019-04-07 21:50:36 +09:00

369 lines
11 KiB

<div class="mk-notifications">
<div class="placeholder" v-if="fetching">
<template v-for="i in 10">
<mk-note-skeleton :key="i"/>
<div class="notifications" v-if="notifications.length != 0">
<!-- トランジションを有効にするとなぜかメモリリークする -->
<component :is="!$store.state.device.reduceMotion ? 'transition-group' : 'div'" name="mk-notifications" class="transition" tag="div">
<template v-for="(notification, i) in _notifications">
<div class="notification" :class="notification.type" :key="">
<mk-time :time="notification.createdAt"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'reaction'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.user"/>
<div class="text">
<mk-reaction-icon :reaction="notification.reaction"/>
<router-link :to="notification.user | userPage" v-user-preview="">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.user"/>
<router-link class="note-ref" :to="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note)">
<fa icon="quote-left"/>
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.emojis"/>
<fa icon="quote-right"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'renote'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.note.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="retweet"/>
<router-link :to="notification.note.user | userPage" v-user-preview="notification.note.userId">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.note.user"/>
<router-link class="note-ref" :to="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note.renote)">
<fa icon="quote-left"/>
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note.renote)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.renote.emojis"/>
<fa icon="quote-right"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'quote'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.note.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="quote-left"/>
<router-link :to="notification.note.user | userPage" v-user-preview="notification.note.userId">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.note.user"/>
<router-link class="note-preview" :to="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note)">
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.emojis"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'follow'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="user-plus"/>
<router-link :to="notification.user | userPage" v-user-preview="">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.user"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'receiveFollowRequest'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="user-clock"/>
<router-link :to="notification.user | userPage" v-user-preview="">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.user"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'reply'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.note.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="reply"/>
<router-link :to="notification.note.user | userPage" v-user-preview="notification.note.userId">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.note.user"/>
<router-link class="note-preview" :to="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note)">
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.emojis"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'mention'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.note.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="at"/>
<router-link :to="notification.note.user | userPage" v-user-preview="notification.note.userId">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.note.user"/>
<a class="note-preview" :href="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note)">
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.emojis"/>
<template v-if="notification.type == 'pollVote'">
<mk-avatar class="avatar" :user="notification.user"/>
<div class="text">
<p><fa icon="chart-pie"/><a :href="notification.user | userPage" v-user-preview="">
<mk-user-name :user="notification.user"/>
<router-link class="note-ref" :to="notification.note | notePage" :title="getNoteSummary(notification.note)">
<fa icon="quote-left"/>
<mfm :text="getNoteSummary(notification.note)" :should-break="false" :plain-text="true" :custom-emojis="notification.note.emojis"/>
<fa icon="quote-right"/>
<p class="date" v-if="i != notifications.length - 1 && notification._date != _notifications[i + 1]._date" :key=" + '-time'">
<span><fa icon="angle-up"/>{{ notification._datetext }}</span>
<span><fa icon="angle-down"/>{{ _notifications[i + 1]._datetext }}</span>
<button class="more" :class="{ fetching: fetchingMoreNotifications }" v-if="moreNotifications" @click="fetchMoreNotifications" :disabled="fetchingMoreNotifications">
<template v-if="fetchingMoreNotifications"><fa icon="spinner" pulse fixed-width/></template>{{ fetchingMoreNotifications ? $t('@.loading') : $t('@.load-more') }}
<p class="empty" v-if="notifications.length == 0 && !fetching">{{ $t('empty') }}</p>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
import getNoteSummary from '../../../../../misc/get-note-summary';
export default Vue.extend({
i18n: i18n(),
data() {
return {
fetching: true,
fetchingMoreNotifications: false,
notifications: [],
moreNotifications: false,
connection: null,
computed: {
_notifications(): any[] {
return (this.notifications as any).map(notification => {
const date = new Date(notification.createdAt).getDate();
const month = new Date(notification.createdAt).getMonth() + 1;
notification._date = date;
notification._datetext = this.$t('@.month-and-day').replace('{month}', month.toString()).replace('{day}', date.toString());
return notification;
mounted() {
this.connection = this.$'main');
this.connection.on('notification', this.onNotification);
const max = 10;
this.$root.api('i/notifications', {
limit: max + 1
}).then(notifications => {
if (notifications.length == max + 1) {
this.moreNotifications = true;
this.notifications = notifications;
this.fetching = false;
beforeDestroy() {
methods: {
fetchMoreNotifications() {
this.fetchingMoreNotifications = true;
const max = 30;
this.$root.api('i/notifications', {
limit: max + 1,
untilId: this.notifications[this.notifications.length - 1].id
}).then(notifications => {
if (notifications.length == max + 1) {
this.moreNotifications = true;
} else {
this.moreNotifications = false;
this.notifications = this.notifications.concat(notifications);
this.fetchingMoreNotifications = false;
onNotification(notification) {
// TODO: ユーザーが画面を見てないと思われるとき(ブラウザやタブがアクティブじゃないなど)は送信しない
this.$'readNotification', {
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
opacity 0
transform translateY(-30px)
> *
transition transform .3s ease, opacity .3s ease
> .placeholder
padding 16px
opacity 0.3
> .notifications
> div
> .notification
margin 0
padding 16px
overflow-wrap break-word
font-size 12px
border-bottom solid var(--lineWidth) var(--faceDivider)
border-bottom none
> .mk-time
display inline
position absolute
top 16px
right 12px
vertical-align top
color var(--noteHeaderInfo)
font-size small
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar
display block
float left
position -webkit-sticky
position sticky
top 16px
width 36px
height 36px
border-radius 6px
> .text
float right
width calc(100% - 36px)
padding-left 8px
margin 0
[data-icon], .mk-reaction-icon
margin-right 4px
color var(--noteText)
display inline-block
word-break break-word
color var(--noteText)
display inline-block
width: 100%
overflow hidden
white-space nowrap
text-overflow ellipsis
font-size 1em
font-weight normal
font-style normal
display inline-block
margin-right 3px
&.renote, &.quote
.text p [data-icon]
color #77B255
.text p [data-icon]
color #53c7ce
.text p [data-icon]
color #888
&.reply, &.mention
.text p [data-icon]
color #555
> .date
display block
margin 0
line-height 32px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color var(--dateDividerFg)
background var(--dateDividerBg)
border-bottom solid var(--lineWidth) var(--faceDivider)
margin 0 16px
margin-right 8px
> .more
display block
width 100%
padding 16px
color var(--text)
border-top solid var(--lineWidth) rgba(#000, 0.05)
background rgba(#000, 0.025)
background rgba(#000, 0.05)
cursor wait
> [data-icon]
margin-right 4px
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color var(--text)