#!/bin/zsh script_name="${0:t}" script_version='1.0.0' cached_argv="${argv}" backup_dir="$HOME/.prezto-backup/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')" # Writes to standard error. function print-error { print "${script_name}: ${@}" >&2 } # Writes to standard output. function print-info { print "${@}" >&1 } # Writes version information to standard errror. function version { print "${script_name} ${script_version} Copyright (c) 2013 Sorin Ionescu This program is free software. You may modify or distribute it under the terms of the MIT License." >&2 } # Writes help to standard error. function help { print "Usage: ${script_name} [‐option ...] archive [directory] Options: -v, --version Display version and copyright -h, --help Display this help Report bugs to ." >&2 } # Backs up existing files. function backup { local from="$1" local to="$2" if [[ ! -e "$from" ]]; then return fi mkdir -p "$to:h" mv "$from" "$to" } # Parse switches. while [[ "${1}" == -* ]]; do case "${1}" in ( -v | --version ) version exit 0 ;; ( -h | --help ) help exit 0 ;; ( -- ) shift break ;; ( -* ) print-error "invalid option: ${1}" help exit 0 ;; esac done git clone --recursive https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto" setopt EXTENDED_GLOB for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^README.md(.N); do ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}" done chsh -s /bin/zsh is-true "$use_color" && printf "$FG[green]" printf '%s' \ '________ _____ ___ __ \___________________ /______ __ /_/ /_ ___/ _ \__ /_ __/ __ \ _ ____/_ / / __/_ /_/ /_ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ \___/_____/\__/ \____/ ' is-true "$use_color" && printf "$FG[cyan]" print print 'Prezto has been updated to the latest version.' print 'Follow me on GitHub at https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.' exec zsh