Python ====== Enables local Python and local Python package installation. Local Python Installation ------------------------- [pyenv][4] builds and installs multiple Python versions locally in the home directory. This module prepends the pyenv directory to the path variable to enable the execution of `pyenv`. ### Usage Install Python versions with `pyenv install` into *~/.pyenv/versions*. Local Package Installation -------------------------- Since version 2.6, Python supports per user package installation, as defined in [PEP 370][1]. This module prepends per user site directories to the relevant path variables to enable the execution of user installed scripts and the reading of documentation. ### Usage Install packages into the per user site directory with `easy_install --user` or `pip install --user`. virtualenvwrapper ----------------- [virtualenvwrapper][2] is a frontend to the popular [virtualenv][3] utility. virtualenv creates isolated Python environments and virtualenvwrapper provides convenient shell functions to create, switch, and manage them. ### Usage Install virtualenvwrapper. Virtual environments are stored in *~/.virtualenvs*. There are configuration variables that have to be set to enable certain features. If you wish to use these features, export the variables in *~/.zshenv* The variable `$PROJECT_HOME` tells virtualenvwrapper where to place project working directories. It must be set and the directory created before `mkproject` is used. Replace *Developer* with your projects directory. export PROJECT_HOME="$HOME/Developer" The variable `$VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS` tells virtualenvwrapper what arguments to pass to `virtualenv`. For example, set the value to *--no-site-packages* to ensure that all new environments are isolated from the system site-packages directory. export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_VIRTUALENV_ARGS='--no-site-packages' ### Settings #### Lazy loading By default, virtualenvwrapper is loaded in lazy mode. This behaviour can be disabled adding the following line to *~/.zpreztorc*: zstyle ':prezto:module:python' lazy_venv 'no' #### Automatic virtualenv initialization To enable autoenv, add the following line to *~/.zpreztorc*: zstyle ':prezto:module:python' autoenv 'yes' If a virtualenv is active, and was not activated by autoenv, then autoenv does nothing. Otherwise, autoenv activated or deactivates a virtual environment whenever a directory is changed; based on the following priority: 1. Name specified in a file named *.venv* in the cwd. 2. *.venv* file in git root. If folder is inside git repository. 3. Name of git root folder. 4. No virtualenv. Aliases ------- - `py` is short for `python`. Functions --------- - `python-info` exposes information about the Python environment via the `$python_info` associative array. Theming ------- To display the name of the current virtual enviroment in a prompt, define the following style in the `prompt_name_setup` function. # %v - virtualenv name. zstyle ':prezto:module:python:info:virtualenv' format 'virtualenv:%v' Then add `$python_info[virtualenv]` to `$PROMPT` or `$RPROMPT` and call `python-info` in the `prompt_name_preexec` hook function. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][5].* - [Sorin Ionescu]( - [Sebastian Wiesner]( [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: