# macOS Monterey OpenCore config for Lenovo ThinkPad T460 - Tested with macOS Monterey 12.6.2 Working features: - WiFi (with the default intel card) - Graphics (incl. hardware acceleration) - Audio (incl. boot chime) - Trackpad (incl gestures) - Keyboard (incl. correct mapping) - FileVault - Sleep & Hibernation ("Standby" / Hybrid Sleep) - Everything else I tested Sleep guide: ``` sudo pmset -a restoredefaults sudo pmset -c standby 1 sudo pmset -c hibernatemode 0 sudo pmset -b standby 1 sudo pmset -b standbydelayhigh 900 sudo pmset -b standbydelaylow 60 sudo pmset -b hibernatemode 25 sudo pmset -b highstandbythreshold 70 sudo pmset -a acwake 0 sudo pmset -a lidwake 1 sudo pmset -a powernap 0 sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0 ``` If you need to restore defaults run: ``` sudo pmset restoredefaults ``` Known issues: - Bluetooth Credits: - ACPI patch files from https://github.com/MSzturc/Lenovo-T460-OpenCore/tree/master/ACPI - Sleep guide from https://github.com/simprecicchiani/ThinkPad-T460s-macOS-OpenCore