#include #include #include "ngx_rtmp_mp4.h" #include static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t n) { u_char bytes[4]; bytes[0] = ((uint32_t) n >> 24) & 0xFF; bytes[1] = ((uint32_t) n >> 16) & 0xFF; bytes[2] = ((uint32_t) n >> 8) & 0xFF; bytes[3] = (uint32_t) n & 0xFF; if (b->last + sizeof(bytes) > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, bytes, sizeof(bytes)); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_24(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t n) { u_char bytes[3]; bytes[0] = ((uint32_t) n >> 16) & 0xFF; bytes[1] = ((uint32_t) n >> 8) & 0xFF; bytes[2] = (uint32_t) n & 0xFF; if (b->last + sizeof(bytes) > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, bytes, sizeof(bytes)); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(ngx_buf_t *b, uint16_t n) { u_char bytes[2]; bytes[0] = ((uint32_t) n >> 8) & 0xFF; bytes[1] = (uint32_t) n & 0xFF; if (b->last + sizeof(bytes) > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, bytes, sizeof(bytes)); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(ngx_buf_t *b, uint8_t n) { u_char bytes[1]; bytes[0] = n & 0xFF; if (b->last + sizeof(bytes) > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, bytes, sizeof(bytes)); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_put_descr(ngx_buf_t *b, int tag, size_t size) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, (uint8_t) tag); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, size & 0x7F); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_data(ngx_buf_t *b, void *data, size_t n) { if (b->last + n > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, (u_char *) data, n); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(ngx_buf_t *b, const char box[4]) { if (b->last + 4 > b->end) { return NGX_ERROR; } b->last = ngx_cpymem(b->last, (u_char *) box, 4); return NGX_OK; } static u_char * ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(ngx_buf_t *b, const char box[4]) { u_char *p; p = b->last; if (ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0) != NGX_OK) { return NULL; } if (ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, box) != NGX_OK) { return NULL; } return p; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(ngx_buf_t *b, u_char *p) { u_char *curpos; if (p == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } curpos = b->last; b->last = p; ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, (uint32_t) (curpos - p)); b->last = curpos; return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_matrix(ngx_buf_t *buf, uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t c, uint32_t d, uint32_t tx, uint32_t ty) { /* * transformation matrix * |a b u| * |c d v| * |tx ty w| */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, a << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, b << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, 0); /* u in 2.30 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, c << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, d << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, 0); /* v in 2.30 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, tx << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, ty << 16); /* 16.16 format */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(buf, 1 << 30); /* w in 2.30 format */ return NGX_OK; } ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_ftyp(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "ftyp"); /* major brand */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "iso6"); /* minor version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* compatible brands */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "isom"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "iso6"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "dash"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_styp(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "styp"); /* major brand */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "iso6"); /* minor version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* compatible brands */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "isom"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "iso6"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "dash"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mvhd(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mvhd"); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* creation time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* modification time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* timescale */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1000); /* duration */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00010000); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0x0100); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_matrix(b, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* next track id */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tkhd(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; ngx_rtmp_codec_ctx_t *codec_ctx; codec_ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_codec_module); pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "tkhd"); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0); /* flags: TrackEnabled */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_24(b, 0x0000000f); /* creation time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* modification time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* track id */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* duration */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK ? 0 : 0x0100); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_matrix(b, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, (uint32_t) codec_ctx->width << 16); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, (uint32_t) codec_ctx->height << 16); } else { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); } ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mdhd(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mdhd"); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* creation time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* modification time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* time scale*/ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1000); /* duration */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* lanuguage */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0x15C7); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_hdlr(ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "hdlr"); /* version and flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* pre defined */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); if (ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "vide"); } else { ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "soun"); } /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); if (ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK) { /* video handler string, NULL-terminated */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_data(b, "VideoHandler", sizeof("VideoHandler")); } else { /* sound handler string, NULL-terminated */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_data(b, "SoundHandler", sizeof("SoundHandler")); } ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_vmhd(ngx_buf_t *b) { /* size is always 20, apparently */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 20); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "vmhd"); /* version and flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x01); /* reserved (graphics mode=copy) */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_smhd(ngx_buf_t *b) { /* size is always 16, apparently */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 16); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "smhd"); /* version and flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reserved (balance normally=0) */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_dref(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "dref"); /* version and flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* url size */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0xc); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "url "); /* version and flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00000001); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_dinf(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "dinf"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_dref(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_avcc(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos, *p; ngx_chain_t *in; ngx_rtmp_codec_ctx_t *codec_ctx; codec_ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_codec_module); if (codec_ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } in = codec_ctx->avc_header; if (in == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "avcC"); /* assume config fits one chunk (highly probable) */ /* check for start code */ for (p = in->buf->pos; p <= in->buf->last; p++) { if (*p == 0x01) { break; } } if (in->buf->last - p > 0) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_data(b, p, (size_t) (in->buf->last - p)); } else { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, s->connection->log, ngx_errno, "dash: invalid avcc received"); } ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_video(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; ngx_rtmp_codec_ctx_t *codec_ctx; codec_ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_codec_module); pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "avc1"); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); /* data reference index */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1); /* codec stream version & revision */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* width & height */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, (uint16_t) codec_ctx->width); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, (uint16_t) codec_ctx->height); /* horizontal & vertical resolutions 72 dpi */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00480000); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00480000); /* data size */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* frame count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1); /* compressor name */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0x18); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0xffff); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_avcc(s, b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_esds(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b) { size_t dsi_len; u_char *pos, *dsi; ngx_buf_t *db; ngx_rtmp_codec_ctx_t *codec_ctx; codec_ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_codec_module); if (codec_ctx == NULL || codec_ctx->aac_header == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } db = codec_ctx->aac_header->buf; if (db == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } dsi = db->pos + 2; if (dsi > db->last) { return NGX_ERROR; } dsi_len = db->last - dsi; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "esds"); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* ES Descriptor */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_put_descr(b, 0x03, 23 + dsi_len); /* ES_ID */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1); /* flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0); /* DecoderConfig Descriptor */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_put_descr(b, 0x04, 15 + dsi_len); /* objectTypeIndication: Audio ISO/IEC 14496-3 (AAC) */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0x40); /* streamType: AudioStream */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0x15); /* bufferSizeDB */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_24(b, 0); /* maxBitrate */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x0001F151); /* avgBitrate */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x0001F14D); /* DecoderSpecificInfo Descriptor */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_put_descr(b, 0x05, dsi_len); ngx_rtmp_mp4_data(b, dsi, dsi_len); /* SL Descriptor */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_put_descr(b, 0x06, 1); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0x02); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_audio(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; ngx_rtmp_codec_ctx_t *codec_ctx; codec_ctx = ngx_rtmp_get_module_ctx(s, ngx_rtmp_codec_module); pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mp4a"); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); /* data reference index */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* channel count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, (uint16_t) codec_ctx->audio_channels); /* sample size */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, (uint16_t) (codec_ctx->sample_size * 8)); /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* time scale */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1000); /* sample rate */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, (uint16_t) codec_ctx->sample_rate); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_esds(s, b); #if 0 /* tag size*/ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 8); /* null tag */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); #endif ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsd(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stsd"); /* version & flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); if (ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_video(s, b); } else { ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_audio(s, b); } ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stts(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stts"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsc(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stsc"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsz(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stsz"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* moar zeros */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stco(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stco"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* entry count */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stbl(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "stbl"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsd(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stts(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsc(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stsz(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stco(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_minf(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "minf"); if (ttype == NGX_RTMP_MP4_VIDEO_TRACK) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_vmhd(b); } else { ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_smhd(b); } ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_dinf(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_stbl(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mdia(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mdia"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mdhd(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_hdlr(b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_minf(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_trak(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "trak"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tkhd(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mdia(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mvex(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mvex"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x20); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "trex"); /* version & flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* track id */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* default sample description index */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* default sample duration */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* default sample size, 1024 for AAC */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* default sample flags, key on */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_moov(ngx_rtmp_session_t *s, ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_rtmp_mp4_track_type_t ttype) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "moov"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mvhd(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mvex(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_trak(s, b, ttype); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tfhd(ngx_buf_t *b) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "tfhd"); /* version & flags */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00020000); /* track id */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tfdt(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t earliest_pres_time) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "tfdt"); /* version == 1 aka 64 bit integer */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0x00000000); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, earliest_pres_time); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_trun(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t sample_count, ngx_rtmp_mp4_sample_t *samples, ngx_uint_t sample_mask, u_char *moof_pos) { u_char *pos; uint32_t i, offset, nitems, flags; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "trun"); nitems = 0; /* data offset present */ flags = 0x01; if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_DURATION) { nitems++; flags |= 0x000100; } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_SIZE) { nitems++; flags |= 0x000200; } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_KEY) { nitems++; flags |= 0x000400; } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_DELAY) { nitems++; flags |= 0x000800; } offset = (pos - moof_pos) + 20 + (sample_count * nitems * 4) + 8; ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, flags); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, sample_count); ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, offset); for (i = 0; i < sample_count; i++, samples++) { if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_DURATION) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, samples->duration); } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_SIZE) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, samples->size); } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_KEY) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, samples->key ? 0x00000000 : 0x00010000); } if (sample_mask & NGX_RTMP_MP4_SAMPLE_DELAY) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, samples->delay); } } ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_traf(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t earliest_pres_time, uint32_t sample_count, ngx_rtmp_mp4_sample_t *samples, ngx_uint_t sample_mask, u_char *moof_pos) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "traf"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tfhd(b); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_tfdt(b, earliest_pres_time); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_trun(b, sample_count, samples, sample_mask, moof_pos); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mfhd(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t index) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "mfhd"); /* don't know what this is */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* fragment index. */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, index); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_sidx(ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_uint_t reference_size, uint32_t earliest_pres_time, uint32_t latest_pres_time) { u_char *pos; uint32_t duration; duration = latest_pres_time - earliest_pres_time; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "sidx"); /* version */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 0); /* reference id */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1); /* timescale */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, 1000); /* earliest presentation time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, earliest_pres_time); /* first offset */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, duration); /*TODO*/ /* reserved */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 0); /* reference count = 1 */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_16(b, 1); /* 1st bit is reference type, the rest is reference size */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, reference_size); /* subsegment duration */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, duration); /* first bit is startsWithSAP (=1), next 3 bits are SAP type (=001) */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_8(b, 0x90); /* SAP delta time */ ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_24(b, 0); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } ngx_int_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_moof(ngx_buf_t *b, uint32_t earliest_pres_time, uint32_t sample_count, ngx_rtmp_mp4_sample_t *samples, ngx_uint_t sample_mask, uint32_t index) { u_char *pos; pos = ngx_rtmp_mp4_start_box(b, "moof"); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mfhd(b, index); ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_traf(b, earliest_pres_time, sample_count, samples, sample_mask, pos); ngx_rtmp_mp4_update_box_size(b, pos); return NGX_OK; } ngx_uint_t ngx_rtmp_mp4_write_mdat(ngx_buf_t *b, ngx_uint_t size) { ngx_rtmp_mp4_field_32(b, size); ngx_rtmp_mp4_box(b, "mdat"); return NGX_OK; }