'use strict'; import { dataStorage } from './app.js'; import { showDiv, hideDiv, ElementById, parseDateTime, formatDuration } from './helpers.js'; import { getCache, addCache, ConsoleLog, parseName, ds100Names, t } from './app_functions.js'; import { showModal } from './overlays.js'; import { get } from './api.js'; import { go } from './router.js'; import { html, render } from './lit-html.js'; const remarksModalTemplate = (type, remarks) => html` ${remarks.map(element => html` `)}
`; const travelynxTemplate = (element) => { if (dataStorage.settings.travelynx && element.line.mode == 'Train') { let trainName = ''; if (element.line.additionalName !== null) { trainName = element.line.additionalName; } else { trainName = element.line.name; } return html` `; } } const showRemarksModal = (type, remarks) => { showModal(t('remarks'), remarksModalTemplate(type, remarks)); }; const remarksTemplate = ([type, remarks]) => !!remarks.length ? html` showRemarksModal(type, remarks)}> ` : ''; const legTemplate = (leg) => { const allRemarks = leg.remarks || []; const remarks = { "status": allRemarks.filter(r => r.type === 'status'), "hint": allRemarks.filter(r => r.type === 'hint'), "other": allRemarks.filter(r => r.type !== 'status' && r.type !== 'hint'), }; let hasMarudorURL = false; let marudorUrl = ''; if (!leg.isWalking && !leg.isTransfer && !leg.isChange) { if (leg.line.product == "nationalExp" || leg.line.product == "national" || leg.line.product == "regionalExp" || leg.line.product == "regional") { hasMarudorURL = true; } if (!leg.line.additionalName) { marudorUrl = 'https://marudor.de/details/' + leg.line.name + '/' + (leg.departure.plannedTime*1000) } else { marudorUrl = 'https://marudor.de/details/' + leg.line.additionalName + "/" + (leg.departure.plannedTime*1000) } } return html` ${leg.isWalking ? html`

${t('walkinfo', [parseName(leg.arrival.point), leg.distance])}

` : leg.isTransfer ? html`

${t('transferinfo', [parseName(leg.arrival.point)])}

` : leg.isChange ? html`

${t('changeinfo', [formatDuration(leg.duration)])}

` : html`
${leg.stopovers.map(stop => html` {location.href = "https://marudor.de/"+stop.stop.id+"?searchType=hafas"}}> `)}
${hasMarudorURL ? html` ${leg.line.name} → ${leg.direction} ` : html ` ${leg.line.name} → ${leg.direction} `} ${leg.cancelled ? html`${t('cancelled-ride')}` : ''} ${Object.entries(remarks).map(remarksTemplate)} ${travelynxTemplate(leg)}
${leg.line.additionalName ? html`
Trip: ${leg.line.additionalName}
` : ''} ${leg.line.trainType ? html`
Train type: ${leg.line.trainType}
` : ''}
Duration: ${formatDuration((leg.arrival.prognosedTime || leg.arrival.plannedTime) - (leg.departure.prognosedTime || leg.departure.plannedTime))}
${t('arrival')} ${t('departure')} ${t('station')} ${t('platform')}
${timeTemplate(stop.arrival)} ${timeTemplate(stop.departure)} ${stop.stop.name} ${ds100Names(stop.stop.id)} ${stopPlatformTemplate(stop)}
`} `; }; const journeyTemplate = (data, requestId, journeyId) => { const departure = data.legs[0].departure; const arrival = data.legs[data.legs.length - 1].arrival; const departureTime = departure.prognosedTime || departure.plannedTime; const arrivalTime = arrival.prognosedTime || arrival.plannedTime; const duration = arrivalTime - departureTime; const legs = []; let changes = 0; let lastArrival; for (let leg of data.legs) { if (!leg.isWalking && !leg.isTransfer) { // add change if (lastArrival) { const departure = leg.departure; const arrival = lastArrival; const departureTime = departure.prognosedTime ? departure.prognosedTime : departure.plannedTime; const arrivalTime = arrival.prognosedTime ? arrival.prognosedTime : arrival.plannedTime; const duration = departureTime - arrivalTime; legs.push({ isChange: true, duration: duration, }); } changes++; lastArrival = leg.arrival; } else if (legs.length) { // if this is a walking leg and it is the first one, we don't want to // insert a 0 minutes change entry for this lastArrival = leg.arrival; } legs.push(leg); } return html`

${parseName(departure.point)} → ${parseName(arrival.point)}

${t('duration')}: ${formatDuration(duration)} | ${t('changes')}: ${changes-1} | ${t('date')}: ${parseDateTime(departure.plannedTime, 'date')}

reloadJourney(requestId, journeyId)}>{{LABEL_RELOAD}}
`; }; const timeTemplate = (data, mode) => { let delay = 0; if (data.prognosedTime !== null) { delay = (data.prognosedTime - data.plannedTime)/60; } if (!data.plannedTime && !data.prognosedTime) return '-'; return html` ${delay > 0 ? html` ${parseDateTime(data.prognosedTime)} (+${delay}) ` : html` ${parseDateTime(data.plannedTime)} `}`; } const platformTemplate = (data) => html` ${data.prognosedPlatform ? html` ${data.prognosedPlatform} ` : (data.plannedPlatform ? data.plannedPlatform : '-')} `; const stopPlatformTemplate = (data) => { if (data.departure.plannedPlatform | data.departure.prognosedPlatform) { if (!data.departure.prognosedPlatform) { return data.departure.plannedPlatform; } else { return html`${data.departure.prognosedPlatform}`; } } else if (data.arrival.plannedPlatform | data.arrival.prognosedPlatform) { if (!data.arrival.prognosedPlatform) { return data.arrival.plannedPlatform; } else { return html`${data.arrival.prognosedPlatform}`; } } else { return '-' } }; export const journeyView = async (match) => { const reqId = match[0]; const journeyId = match[1]; let data; let all = getCache('journeys', reqId) if (all && all.journeys && journeyId in all.journeys) { data = all.journeys[journeyId]; } else { const request = await get("/journeys", {"reqId": reqId}); addCache('journeys', request); data = request.journeys[journeyId]; } ConsoleLog(data); render(journeyTemplate(data, reqId, journeyId), ElementById('content')); const journeysHistory = getCache('journeysHistory'); const history_id = journeysHistory.findIndex(obj => obj.reqId === reqId); if (journeysHistory[history_id] !== undefined) { journeysHistory[history_id].journeyId = journeyId; addCache('journeysHistory', journeysHistory); } }; const reloadJourney = async (reqId, journeyId) => { document.querySelector('.reload').classList.add('spinning'); try { let request = await get("/refreshJourney", {"reqId": reqId, "journeyId": journeyId}, true); addCache('journeys', request); journeyView([reqId, journeyId]); } catch(err) { ConsoleLog(err); } document.querySelector('.reload').classList.remove('spinning'); };