'use strict'; import { showDiv, ElementById, padZeros, isValidDate } from './helpers.js'; import { getCache, addCache, parseName, saveDataStorage, ConsoleLog, t, loadDS100 } from './app_functions.js'; import { dataStorage } from './app.js'; import { get } from './api.js'; import { go } from './router.js'; import { html, render } from './lit-html.js'; import { showAlertModal, showSelectModal, showLoader, hideOverlay} from './overlays.js'; import { showSettings } from './settingsView.js'; let currDate = new Date(); let fromValue = ''; let toValue = ''; let isArrValue = false; let dateValue = currDate.getFullYear()+'-'+padZeros(currDate.getMonth()+1)+'-'+padZeros(currDate.getDate());; let timeValue = padZeros(currDate.getHours())+':'+padZeros(currDate.getMinutes()); let suggestionsCache = { from: {}, to: {}, }; const searchTemplate = (journeysHistory) => html`
`; const journeysHistoryTemplate = (journeysHistory) => html`
${journeysHistory.map(element => html`
{journeysHistoryAction(journeysHistory, element)}}">
`; const journeysHistoryAction = (journeysHistory, element) => { ConsoleLog(element); showSelectModal(html` {setFromHistory(journeysHistory.length - 1 - journeysHistory.indexOf(element));hideOverlay()}}>${t('setfromto')} {go("/"+element.reqId);hideOverlay();}}>${t('journeyoverview')} ${element.journeyId === '' ? '' : html` {go("/"+element.reqId+"/"+element.journeyId);hideOverlay();}}>${t('lastjourney')} `} `); }; export const searchView = () => { const journeysHistory = getCache('journeysHistory').slice().reverse(); render(searchTemplate(journeysHistory), ElementById('content')); ElementById('from').focus(); for (let product in dataStorage.settings.products) { if (ElementById(product) !== null) { ElementById(product).checked = dataStorage.settings.products[product]; } }; }; export const search = async (requestId) => { const provider = dataStorage.settings.provider; let products = readProductSelection(); const accessibility = document.querySelector('input[name="accessibility"]:checked').value; let isDep = !ElementById('isarr').checked; let date = ElementById('date').value; let time = ElementById('time').value; let timestamp = ''; let from = ''; let to = ''; currDate = new Date(); fromValue = ElementById('from').value; toValue = ElementById('to').value; dateValue = ElementById('date').value; timeValue = ElementById('time').value; isArrValue = ElementById('isarr').checked; if (date !== '') { if (!isValidDate(date)) { showAlertModal('Ungültiges Datum!'); return; } } else { date = currDate.getFullYear()+'-'+padZeros(currDate.getMonth()+1)+'-'+padZeros(currDate.getDate()); } if (time !== '') { if (!new RegExp('([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])').test(time)) { showAlertModal('Ungültige Zeitangabe!'); return; } } else { time = padZeros(currDate.getHours())+':'+padZeros(currDate.getMinutes()); } if (ElementById('from').value == "" | ElementById('to').value == "") { showAlertModal("Abfahrts - und Ankunftsbahnhof müssen ausgefüllt werden."); return; } if (Object.entries(suggestionsCache.from).length !== 0) { from = suggestionsCache.from; } else { let suggestions = await get("/suggestions", {"query": ElementById('from').value, "results": 1}, true); if (!suggestions[0]) { showAlertModal("Abfahrtsbahnof ungültig"); return; } from = suggestions[0] } if (Object.entries(suggestionsCache.to).length !== 0) { to = suggestionsCache.to; } else { let suggestions = await get("/suggestions", {"query": ElementById('to').value, "results": 1}, true); if (!suggestions[0]) { showAlertModal("Ankunftsbahnhof ungültig"); return; } to = suggestions[0] } dataStorage.settings.products = products; dataStorage.settings.accessibility = accessibility; saveDataStorage(); const split_date = date.split('-'); const split_time = time.split(':'); timestamp = Math.round(new Date(split_date[0], split_date[1]-1, split_date[2], split_time[0], split_time[1]).getTime()/1000); ConsoleLog(timestamp+'///'+date+' '+time+':00'); let params = { "fromPoint": from, "toPoint": to, "accessibility": accessibility, "products": products } if (!isDep) { params.arrival = timestamp } else { params.departure = timestamp } const data = await get("/journeys", {"params":params}); addCache('journeys', data); go('/' + data.reqId); return false; }; const suggestionsTemplate = (suggestions, inputId) => html`
${suggestions.map(element => html`

setSuggestion(encodeURI(JSON.stringify(element)), inputId)}>${parseName(element)}

`; const loadSuggestions = async (e, input) => { const val = e.target.value; suggestionsCache[e.target.id] = {}; const suggestions = val ? await get("/suggestions", {"query": val}, true) : []; const suggestionsEl = ElementById(e.target.id+'Suggestions'); render(suggestionsTemplate(suggestions, e.target.id), suggestionsEl); }; export const setSuggestion = (data, inputId) => { if (typeof data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(decodeURI(data)); } suggestionsCache[inputId] = data; ElementById(inputId).value = parseName(data); if (inputId === 'from') { ElementById('fromSuggestions').classList.remove('mouseover'); ElementById('to').focus(); } else if (inputId === 'to') { ElementById('toSuggestions').classList.remove('mouseover'); ElementById('to').blur(); } }; export const swapFromTo = () => { suggestionsCache.from = [suggestionsCache.to, suggestionsCache.to = suggestionsCache.from][0]; let from = ElementById('from'); let to = ElementById('to'); from.value = [to.value, to.value = from.value][0]; }; export const setFromHistory = (id) => { const cache = getCache('journeysHistory'); if (cache[id] !== undefined){ setSuggestion(cache[id].fromPoint, 'from'); setSuggestion(cache[id].toPoint, 'to'); } }; export const readProductSelection = () => { let products = { "nationalExp": false, "national": false, "regionalExp": false, "regional": false, "suburban": false, "bus": false, "ferry": false, "subway": false, "tram": false, "taxi": false } if (ElementById('national').checked !== false) { products.national = true; if (dataStorage.settings.advancedSelection !== true) { products.nationalExp = true; } } if (ElementById('regional').checked !== false) { products.regional = true; if (dataStorage.settings.advancedSelection !== true) { products.regionalExp = true; } } if (dataStorage.settings.advancedSelection !== false) { if (ElementById('nationalExp').checked !== false) { products.nationalExp = true; } if (ElementById('regionalExp').checked !== false) { products.regionalExp = true; } } if (ElementById('suburban').checked !== false) { products.suburban = true; } if (ElementById('subway').checked !== false) { products.subway = true; } if (ElementById('tram').checked !== false) { products.tram = true; } if (ElementById('bus').checked !== false) { products.bus = true; } if (ElementById('ferry').checked !== false) { products.ferry = true; } if (ElementById('taxi').checked !== false) { products.taxi = true; } return products; }; const startTyping = (e) => { ElementById(e.target.id+'Suggestions').classList.add('typing'); if (e.target.id == 'from') ElementById('toSuggestions').classList.remove('mouseover'); if (e.target.id == 'to') ElementById('fromSuggestions').classList.remove('mouseover'); }; const stopTyping = (e) => { ElementById(e.target.id+'Suggestions').classList.remove('typing'); }; const mouseOverSuggestions = (e) => { let el = e.target; let i = 0; while (i++ < 10 && el.id !== 'fromSuggestions' && el.id !== 'toSuggestions') el = el.parentElement; el.classList.add('mouseover'); }; const stopMouseOverSuggestions = (e) => { let el = e.target; let i = 0; while (i++ < 10 && el.id !== 'fromSuggestions' && el.id !== 'toSuggestions') el = el.parentElement; el.classList.remove('mouseover'); }; const onKeyup = (e) => { let which = e.which || e.keyCode; let forbiddeKeys = [13, 38, 40]; if (!forbiddeKeys.includes(which)) { loadSuggestions(e, e.target.id); } }; const onKeydown = (e) => { let which = e.which || e.keyCode; if (which == 13) { // enter if (!ElementById('selected')) { document.querySelector(`#${e.target.id}Suggestions>.suggestionsbox>:first-child`).click(); if (e.target.id === 'to') ElementById('go').click(); } else { let elem = ElementById('selected') elem.id = ''; elem.click(); } return false; } if (which == 40) { // keydown if (!ElementById('selected')) { document.querySelector(`#${e.target.id}Suggestions>.suggestionsbox>:first-child`).id = 'selected'; } else { let currElem = ElementById('selected'); let nextElem = currElem.nextElementSibling; if (nextElem == null) { nextElem = document.querySelector(`#${e.target.id}Suggestions>.suggestionsbox>:first-child`).id = 'selected'; } currElem.id = ''; nextElem.id = 'selected'; } return false; } if (which == 38) { // keydown if (!ElementById('selected')) { document.querySelector(`#${e.target.id}Suggestions>.suggestionsbox>:first-child`).id = 'selected'; } else { let currElem = ElementById('selected'); let prevElem = currElem.previousElementSibling; if (prevElem == null) { prevElem = document.querySelector(`#${e.target.id}Suggestions>.suggestionsbox>:last-child`).id = 'selected'; } currElem.id = ''; prevElem.id = 'selected'; } return false; } return true; }; const onKeypressSubmit = (e) => { if (e.which == 13 || e.keyCode == 13) { // enter ElementById('go').click(); return false; } return true; };