import ../types import json import options import math proc gpsDistance(fromLat: float, fromLon: float, toLat: float, toLon: float): float = proc toRad(x: float): float = x * PI / 180 let dLat = toRad(toLat - fromLat) let dLon = toRad(toLon - fromLon) let fromLat = toRad(fromLat) let toLat = toRad(toLat) let a = pow(sin(dLat / 2), 2) + (pow(sin(dLon / 2), 2) * cos(fromLat) * cos(toLat)) let c = 2 * arctan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1 - a)) return 6371 * c proc parseIntegers(str: string): seq[int] = var byte = 0 var current = 0 var bits = 0 for c in str: byte = int(c) - 63 current = current or (( byte and 31 ) shl bits) bits += 5 if byte < 32: if (current and 1) == 1: current = -current current = current shr 1 result.add(current) current = 0 bits = 0 proc mkParsePolyline*(points: seq[Point]): proc = proc parsePolyline(l: JsonNode): Polyline = let line = result.type = "FeatureCollection" var lat = 0 var lon = 0 let ints = parseIntegers(line.crdEncYX) var i = 0 while i < len(ints): lat += ints[i] lon += ints[i+1] result.features.add(Feature( type: "Feature", geometry: FeatureGeometry( type: "Point", coordinates: @[lon / 100000, lat / 100000], ), )) i += 2 if line.ppLocRefL.isSome: for p in line.ppLocRefL.get: result.features[p.ppIdx].properties = points[p.locX].stop # sort out coordinates closer than 5m to their neighbours var j = 1 while true: if j >= len(result.features): break let last = result.features[j-1].geometry.coordinates let current = result.features[j].geometry.coordinates if gpsDistance(last[1], last[0], current[1], current[0]) <= 0.005: result.features.delete(j) continue j += 1 return parsePolyline