2020-02-07 23:23:46 +01:00

234 lines
9.4 KiB

from macros import error
when NimMajor < 1 and NimMinor <= 19 and NimPatch < 9:
from ospaths import `/`, splitFile
from os import `/`, splitFile
doOptimize = true
# pcre
pcreVersion = getEnv("PCREVER", "8.42")
pcreSourceDir = "pcre-" & pcreVersion
pcreArchiveFile = pcreSourceDir & ".tar.bz2"
pcreDownloadLink = "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/pcre/" & pcreArchiveFile
pcreInstallDir = (thisDir() / "pcre/") & pcreVersion
# http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/8.1/general/pcre.html
pcreConfigureCmd = ["./configure", "--prefix=" & pcreInstallDir, "--enable-pcre16", "--enable-pcre32", "--disable-shared"]
pcreIncludeDir = pcreInstallDir / "include"
pcreLibDir = pcreInstallDir / "lib"
pcreLibFile = pcreLibDir / "libpcre.a"
# libressl
libreSslVersion = getEnv("LIBRESSLVER", "2.8.1")
libreSslSourceDir = "libressl-" & libreSslVersion
libreSslArchiveFile = libreSslSourceDir & ".tar.gz"
libreSslDownloadLink = "https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/LibreSSL/" & libreSslArchiveFile
libreSslInstallDir = (thisDir() / "libressl/") & libreSslVersion
libreSslConfigureCmd = ["./configure", "--disable-shared", "--prefix=" & libreSslInstallDir]
libreSslLibDir = libreSslInstallDir / "lib"
libreSslLibFile = libreSslLibDir / "libssl.a"
libreCryptoLibFile = libreSslLibDir / "libcrypto.a"
libreSslIncludeDir = libreSslInstallDir / "include/openssl"
# openssl
openSslSeedConfigOsCompiler = "linux-x86_64"
openSslVersion = getEnv("OPENSSLVER", "1.1.1")
openSslSourceDir = "openssl-" & openSslVersion
openSslArchiveFile = openSslSourceDir & ".tar.gz"
openSslDownloadLink = "https://www.openssl.org/source/" & openSslArchiveFile
openSslInstallDir = (thisDir() / "openssl/") & openSslVersion
# "no-async" is needed for openssl to compile using musl
# - https://gitter.im/nim-lang/Nim?at=5bbf75c3ae7be940163cc198
# - https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2016/02/04/5
# -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY is needed to make openssl compile using musl.
# - https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/7207#issuecomment-420814524
openSslConfigureCmd = ["./Configure", openSslSeedConfigOsCompiler, "no-shared", "no-zlib", "no-async", "-fPIC", "-DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY", "--prefix=" & openSslInstallDir]
openSslLibDir = openSslInstallDir / "lib"
openSslLibFile = openSslLibDir / "libssl.a"
openCryptoLibFile = openSslLibDir / "libcrypto.a"
openSslIncludeDir = openSslInstallDir / "include/openssl"
# https://github.com/kaushalmodi/nimy_lisp
proc dollar[T](s: T): string =
result = $s
proc mapconcat[T](s: openArray[T]; sep = " "; op: proc(x: T): string = dollar): string =
## Concatenate elements of ``s`` after applying ``op`` to each element.
## Separate each element using ``sep``.
for i, x in s:
if i < s.len-1:
task installPcre, "Installs PCRE using musl-gcc":
if not existsFile(pcreLibFile):
if not existsDir(pcreSourceDir):
if not existsFile(pcreArchiveFile):
exec("curl -LO " & pcreDownloadLink)
exec("tar xf " & pcreArchiveFile)
echo "PCRE lib source dir " & pcreSourceDir & " already exists"
withDir pcreSourceDir:
putEnv("CC", "/usr/bin/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl-gcc -static")
exec("make -j8")
exec("make install")
echo pcreLibFile & " already exists"
task installLibreSsl, "Installs LIBRESSL using musl-gcc":
if (not existsFile(libreSslLibFile)) or (not existsFile(libreCryptoLibFile)):
if not existsDir(libreSslSourceDir):
if not existsFile(libreSslArchiveFile):
exec("curl -LO " & libreSslDownloadLink)
exec("tar xf " & libreSslArchiveFile)
echo "LibreSSL lib source dir " & libreSslSourceDir & " already exists"
withDir libreSslSourceDir:
# -idirafter /usr/include/ # Needed for linux/sysctl.h
# -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for asm/types.h
putEnv("CC", "/usr/bin/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl-gcc -static -idirafter /usr/include/ -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/")
putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", libreSslIncludeDir)
exec("make -j8 -C crypto") # build just the "crypto" component
exec("make -j8 -C ssl") # build just the "ssl" component
exec("make -C crypto install")
exec("make -C ssl install")
echo libreSslLibFile & " already exists"
task installOpenSsl, "Installs OPENSSL using musl-gcc":
if (not existsFile(openSslLibFile)) or (not existsFile(openCryptoLibFile)):
if not existsDir(openSslSourceDir):
if not existsFile(openSslArchiveFile):
exec("curl -LO " & openSslDownloadLink)
exec("tar xf " & openSslArchiveFile)
echo "OpenSSL lib source dir " & openSslSourceDir & " already exists"
withDir openSslSourceDir:
# https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Directory-Options.html
# -idirafter /usr/include/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for linux/version.h, etc.
# -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for asm/types.h
putEnv("CC", "/usr/bin/x86_64-alpine-linux-musl-gcc -static -idirafter /usr/include/ -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/")
putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", openSslIncludeDir)
echo "The insecure switch -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY is needed so that OpenSSL can be compiled using MUSL."
exec("make -j8 depend")
exec("make -j8")
exec("make install_sw")
echo openSslLibFile & " already exists"
# -d:musl
when defined(musl):
muslGccPath: string
echo " [-d:musl] Building a static binary using musl .."
muslGccPath = findExe("x86_64-alpine-linux-musl-gcc")
# echo "debug: " & muslGccPath
if muslGccPath == "":
error("'musl-gcc' binary was not found in PATH.")
switch("passL", "-static")
switch("gcc.exe", muslGccPath)
switch("gcc.linkerexe", muslGccPath)
# -d:pcre
when defined(pcre):
if not existsFile(pcreLibFile):
selfExec "installPcre" # Install PCRE in current dir if pcreLibFile is not found
switch("passC", "-I" & pcreIncludeDir) # So that pcre.h is found when running the musl task
switch("define", "usePcreHeader")
switch("passL", pcreLibFile)
# -d:libressl or -d:openssl
when defined(libressl) or defined(openssl):
switch("define", "ssl") # Pass -d:ssl to nim
when defined(libressl):
sslLibFile = libreSslLibFile
cryptoLibFile = libreCryptoLibFile
sslIncludeDir = libreSslIncludeDir
sslLibDir = libreSslLibDir
when defined(openssl):
sslLibFile = openSslLibFile
cryptoLibFile = openCryptoLibFile
sslIncludeDir = openSslIncludeDir
sslLibDir = openSslLibDir
if (not existsFile(sslLibFile)) or (not existsFile(cryptoLibFile)):
# Install SSL in current dir if sslLibFile or cryptoLibFile is not found
when defined(libressl):
selfExec "installLibreSsl"
when defined(openssl):
selfExec "installOpenSsl"
switch("passC", "-I" & sslIncludeDir) # So that ssl.h is found when running the musl task
switch("passL", "-L" & sslLibDir)
switch("passL", "-lssl")
switch("passL", "-lcrypto") # This *has* to come *after* -lssl
switch("dynlibOverride", "libssl")
switch("dynlibOverride", "libcrypto")
proc binOptimize(binFile: string) =
## Optimize size of the ``binFile`` binary.
echo ""
if findExe("strip") != "":
echo "Running 'strip -s' .."
exec "strip -s " & binFile
if findExe("upx") != "":
# https://github.com/upx/upx/releases/
echo "Running 'upx --best' .."
exec "upx --best " & binFile
# nim musl foo.nim
task musl, "Builds an optimized static binary using musl":
## Usage: nim musl [-d:pcre] [-d:libressl|-d:openssl] <FILE1> <FILE2> ..
switches: seq[string]
nimFiles: seq[string]
numParams = paramCount()
when defined(libressl) and defined(openssl):
error("Define only 'libressl' or 'openssl', not both.")
# param 0 will always be "nim"
# param 1 will always be "musl"
for i in 2 .. numParams:
if paramStr(i)[0] == '-': # -d:foo or --define:foo
# Non-switch parameters are assumed to be Nim file names.
if nimFiles.len == 0:
error(["The 'musl' sub-command accepts at least one Nim file name",
" Examples: nim musl FILE.nim",
" nim musl FILE1.nim FILE2.nim",
" nim musl -d:pcre FILE.nim",
" nim musl -d:libressl FILE.nim",
" nim musl -d:pcre -d:openssl FILE.nim"].mapconcat("\n"))
for f in nimFiles:
extraSwitches = switches.mapconcat()
(dirName, baseName, _) = splitFile(f)
binFile = dirName / baseName # Save the binary in the same dir as the nim file
nimArgsArray = when doOptimize:
["c", "-d:musl", "-d:release", "--opt:size", extraSwitches, f]
["c", "-d:musl", extraSwitches, f]
nimArgs = nimArgsArray.mapconcat()
# echo "[debug] f = " & f & ", binFile = " & binFile
# Build binary
echo "\nRunning 'nim " & nimArgs & "' .."
selfExec nimArgs
when doOptimize:
# Optimize binary
echo "\nCreated binary: " & binFile