A handful of functions, auto-complete helpers, and stuff that makes you shout... > “OH MY ZSHELL!” ## Setup `oh-my-zsh` should work with any recent release of [Zsh](http://www.zsh.org), but the minimum recommended version is 4.3.9. 1. Clone the repository. `git clone git://github.com/sorin-ionescu/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh` 2. Create a new Zsh configuration by copying the Zsh template provided. **NOTE**: If you already have a `~/.zshrc` file, you should back it up with `cp ~/.zshrc{,.orig}` in case you want to go back to your original settings. cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.template.zsh ~/.zshrc 3. Set Zsh as your default shell: `chsh -s /bin/zsh` 4. Start / restart Zsh by opening a new terminal window or tab. ### Problems? If you are not able to find certain commands after switching to *Oh My Zsh*, you need to modify `PATH` in `~/.zshrc`, or better yet, in `~/functions/02.environment.zsh` (may be subject to merge conflicts). ## Usage - Enable the plugins you want in `~/.zshrc`. - Browse `plugins/` to see what is available. - Populate the plugins array `plugins=(git osx ruby)`. - Change the prompt in `~/.zshrc`. - For a list of themes, type `prompt -l`. - To preview a theme, type `prompt -p name`. ## Useful The [Zsh Reference Card](http://www.bash2zsh.com/zsh_refcard/refcard.pdf) is tasty. ### Customization If you have many related functions, you can organise them in a file in the `functions/` directory. ## Help out! I am not a Zsh expert and suspect that there are improvements to be made. If you have ideas on how to make the configuration easier to maintain or improve the performance, do not hesitate to fork and send pull requests! ## Contributors This project would not exist without all of our awesome users and contributors. - View the growing [list](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/contributors) of contributors. Thank you so much!