@page @model PrivacyModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Privacy Policy"; }


Last update: 2021-01-21 20:55 CET

The only cookies we store on your device is a session identifier, which is used to access information related to your session on the server, as well as CSRF antiforgery tokens.

We do not track you, nor use external services that do.

We do not save any data in your session unless you log in. For registered users, the following data associated with you is stored in our database:

Web server access logs are disabled. For registered users, we log the following data about RTMP sessions:

This data may be used for statistical purposes.

When viewing a stream, the HLS playlist file as well as the MPEG-TS fragments are proxied through Cloudflare (US). This could allow Cloudflare (US) to intercept all data to and from the streaming server. This does not apply to the rest of the website.

More detailed information about GDPR and Cloudflare can be found on the GDPR pages of Cloudflare.

If you have any further questions, contact us at @Program.PrivacyEmail