name : insync version : 1.3.22 release : 36179 source : # - : hash - : 111a1fc81be155529cf0232053ad6a3a207c949ff987510c9b283be10eaaf31f license : Custom component : summary : The most powerful Google Drive client ever built description: | Insync extends Drive's web functionality to your desktop by integrating tightly with Windows, Mac and Linux so you can get work done. builddeps : [nautilus-python,xdg-utils,glibc,python,hicolor-icon-theme] rundeps : [nautilus-python,xdg-utils,glibc,python,hicolor-icon-theme] strip : false #build : | # %make install : | rm -rf ** mv $pkgfiles/*.deb . ar x *.deb mkdir -p $installdir/usr tar -xf data.tar.gz cp -rp usr $installdir/ install -Dm644 $pkgfiles/insync@.service $installdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/insync@.service install -Dm644 $pkgfiles/insync.service $installdir/usr/lib/systemd/user/insync.service ln -sf "/usr/lib/" "$installdir/usr/lib/insync/" rm -rf $installdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/emblems