
834 lines
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2019-12-10 09:07:46 +01:00
using System;
2019-12-13 11:18:08 +01:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
2019-12-10 09:07:46 +01:00
using System.Linq;
using TdLib;
2023-01-14 04:32:36 +01:00
using static tgcli.tgcli;
using static tgcli.Util;
2019-12-10 09:07:46 +01:00
2023-01-14 04:32:36 +01:00
namespace tgcli {
public abstract class Command {
public string trigger;
public string shortcut;
public string description;
public string syntax;
public int paramCount;
public abstract void Handler(List<string> inputParams);
protected Command(string trigger, string shortcut, string description, string syntax, int paramCount) {
this.trigger = trigger;
this.shortcut = shortcut;
this.description = description;
this.paramCount = paramCount;
this.syntax = syntax;
public static class CommandManager {
2023-01-14 04:32:36 +01:00
public static readonly List<Command> Commands = new() {
new ClearCommand(),
new CloseCommand(),
new EditCommand(),
new ReplyCommand(),
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
new MeCommand(),
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
new ReplyOffsetCommand(),
new ReplyDirectCommand(),
new HistoryCommand(),
new OpenCommand(),
new UnreadsCommand(),
new CloseUnreadCommand(),
new ListChatsCommand(),
new NewChatCommand(),
new ListSecretChatsCommand(),
new OpenSecretCommand(),
new OpenSecretDirectCommand(),
new NewSecretChatCommand(),
new CloseSecretChatCommand(),
new SearchUserCommand(),
//new AddContactCommand(),
new QuitCommand(),
new HelpCommand(),
new LogoutCommand(),
public static void HandleCommand(string input) {
var split = input.Split(" ").ToList();
var trigger = split.First();
var command = Commands.Find(p => p.trigger == trigger || p.shortcut == trigger);
if (command == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid command. Check /help for all available commands.");
if (command.paramCount == -1) {
else if (split.Count == command.paramCount) {
else {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid command syntax. Check /help for more information.");
public class OpenCommand : Command {
public OpenCommand() : base("o", "^O", "opens a chat. queries chat list", "<query>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid command syntax. Check /help for more information.");
var query = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
var chatId = SearchChatId(query);
if (chatId == 0)
currentChatId = 0;
currentChatUserId = 0;
currentUserRead = false;
var chat = GetChat(chatId);
if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypePrivate privChat) {
currentChatUserId = privChat.UserId;
currentChatId = chat.Id;
chat.Title = TruncateString(chat.Title, 20);
prefix = $"[{chat.Title}";
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Opening chat: {chat.Title}");
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}" + $"[tgcli] You have {chat.UnreadCount} unread message" + $"{(chat.UnreadCount == 1 ? "." : "s.")}");
if (chat.UnreadCount >= 5) {
var capped = chat.UnreadCount > 50;
GetHistory(chatId, capped ? 50 : chat.UnreadCount).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
if (capped)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] " + $"Showing 50 of {chat.UnreadCount} unread messages.");
else if (chat.UnreadCount > 0) {
var unreads = GetHistory(chatId, chat.UnreadCount);
var rest = GetHistory(chatId, 5 - unreads.Count, unreads.First().Id);
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] ---UNREAD---");
else {
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50);
if (history.Count != 0)
MarkRead(chat.Id, history.First().Id);
var last = history.LastOrDefault(p => p.IsOutgoing);
if (last == null) {
currentUserRead = true;
lastMessage = last;
currentUserRead = IsMessageRead(last.ChatId, last.Id);
public class NewChatCommand : Command {
public NewChatCommand() : base("n", "", "starts a new chat.", "<username>", 1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var chat = GetChatByUsernameGlobal(inputParams[0]);
if (chat == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] User not found. Try /s <query> to find valid usernames.");
currentChatId = 0;
currentChatUserId = 0;
currentUserRead = false;
if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypePrivate privChat) {
currentChatUserId = privChat.UserId;
currentChatId = chat.Id;
chat.Title = TruncateString(chat.Title, 20);
prefix = $"[{chat.Title}";
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Opening chat: {chat.Title}");
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}" + $"[tgcli] You have {chat.UnreadCount} unread message" + $"{(chat.UnreadCount == 1 ? "." : "s.")}");
if (chat.UnreadCount >= 5) {
var capped = chat.UnreadCount > 50;
GetHistory(chat.Id, capped ? 50 : chat.UnreadCount).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
if (capped)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] " + $"Showing 50 of {chat.UnreadCount} unread messages.");
else if (chat.UnreadCount > 0) {
var unreads = GetHistory(chat.Id, chat.UnreadCount);
var rest = GetHistory(chat.Id, 5 - unreads.Count, unreads.First().Id);
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] ---UNREAD---");
else {
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50);
if (history.Count != 0)
MarkRead(chat.Id, history.First().Id);
var last = history.LastOrDefault(p => p.IsOutgoing);
if (last == null) {
currentUserRead = true;
lastMessage = last;
currentUserRead = IsMessageRead(last.ChatId, last.Id);
public class CloseSecretChatCommand : Command {
public CloseSecretChatCommand() : base("cs", "", "closes a secret chat (permanently)", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> _) {
if (currentChatId != 0 && GetChat(currentChatId).Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret type) {
else {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No secret chat selected, cannot continue.");
public class NewSecretChatCommand : Command {
public NewSecretChatCommand() : base("ns", "", "creates a new secret chat.", "<username>", 1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var userId = GetUserIdByUsername(inputParams[0]);
if (userId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] User not found. Try /s <query> to find valid usernames.");
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
if (GetSecretChats().Count(p => ((TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret)p.Type).UserId == userId) > 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] You already have a secret chat with the specified user.");
var chat = CreateSecretChat(userId);
CommandManager.HandleCommand("osd " + chat.Id);
public class OpenSecretDirectCommand : Command {
public OpenSecretDirectCommand() : base("osd", "", "opens a secret chat by chat id", "<chat_id>", 1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var id = inputParams[0];
if (!long.TryParse(id, out var chatId)) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid chat id.");
var chat = GetChat(chatId);
if (chat == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid chat id.");
TdApi.SecretChat secChat;
if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret secretChat) {
currentChatUserId = secretChat.UserId;
currentChatId = chat.Id;
currentUserRead = false;
secChat = GetSecretChat(secretChat.SecretChatId);
else {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] The specified chat isn't a secret chat.");
chat.Title = TruncateString(chat.Title, 20);
prefix = $"[{Ansi.Red}sec {Ansi.ResetAll}{chat.Title}]";
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Opening secret chat: {chat.Title}");
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}" + $"[tgcli] You have {chat.UnreadCount} unread message" + $"{(chat.UnreadCount == 1 ? "." : "s.")}");
if (secChat.State is TdApi.SecretChatState.SecretChatStateClosed) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Secret chat has ended. No messages can be sent.");
else if (secChat.State is TdApi.SecretChatState.SecretChatStatePending) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Secret chat is pending. No messages can be sent.");
if (chat.UnreadCount >= 5) {
var capped = chat.UnreadCount > 50;
GetHistory(chatId, capped ? 50 : chat.UnreadCount, isSecret: true).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
if (capped)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] " + $"Showing 50 of {chat.UnreadCount} unread messages.");
else if (chat.UnreadCount > 0) {
var unreads = GetHistory(chatId, chat.UnreadCount, isSecret: true);
var rest = GetHistory(chatId, 5 - unreads.Count, unreads.First().Id, isSecret: true);
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] ---UNREAD---");
else {
GetHistory(chatId, isSecret: true).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50, isSecret: true);
if (history.Count != 0)
MarkRead(chat.Id, history.First().Id);
var last = history.LastOrDefault(p => p.IsOutgoing);
if (last == null) {
currentUserRead = true;
lastMessage = last;
currentUserRead = IsMessageRead(last.ChatId, last.Id);
public class OpenSecretCommand : Command {
public OpenSecretCommand() : base("os", "", "opens a secret chat. queries chat list.", "<query>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
2019-12-17 12:04:56 +01:00
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No matching chat found.");
var query = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
var userId = SearchUserInChats(query);
if (userId == 0 || query.Length == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No matching chat found.");
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
var chat = GetSecretChats().Find(p => ((TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret)p.Type).UserId == userId);
if (chat == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No matching secret chat found.");
TdApi.SecretChat secChat;
if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret secretChat) {
currentChatUserId = secretChat.UserId;
currentChatId = chat.Id;
currentUserRead = false;
secChat = GetSecretChat(secretChat.SecretChatId);
else {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No matching secret chat found. (this error should be impossible to produce)");
chat.Title = TruncateString(chat.Title, 20);
2019-12-17 23:16:52 +01:00
prefix = $"[{Ansi.Red}sec {Ansi.ResetAll}{chat.Title}";
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Opening secret chat: {chat.Title}");
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}" + $"[tgcli] You have {chat.UnreadCount} unread message" + $"{(chat.UnreadCount == 1 ? "." : "s.")}");
if (secChat.State is TdApi.SecretChatState.SecretChatStateClosed) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Secret chat has ended. No messages can be sent.");
else if (secChat.State is TdApi.SecretChatState.SecretChatStatePending) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Secret chat is pending. No messages can be sent.");
if (chat.UnreadCount >= 5) {
var capped = chat.UnreadCount > 50;
GetHistory(chat.Id, capped ? 50 : chat.UnreadCount, isSecret: true).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
if (capped)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] " + $"Showing 50 of {chat.UnreadCount} unread messages.");
else if (chat.UnreadCount > 0) {
var unreads = GetHistory(chat.Id, chat.UnreadCount, isSecret: true);
var rest = GetHistory(chat.Id, 5 - unreads.Count, unreads.First().Id, isSecret: true);
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] ---UNREAD---");
else {
GetHistory(chat.Id, isSecret: true).ForEach(AddMessageToQueue);
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50, isSecret: true);
if (history.Count != 0)
MarkRead(chat.Id, history.First().Id);
var last = history.LastOrDefault(p => p.IsOutgoing);
if (last == null) {
currentUserRead = true;
lastMessage = last;
currentUserRead = IsMessageRead(last.ChatId, last.Id);
public class CloseUnreadCommand : Command {
public CloseUnreadCommand() : base("cu", "", "closes a chat, marking it as unread", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
public class CloseCommand : Command {
public CloseCommand() : base("c", "^D", "closes a chat", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
currentChatId = 0;
currentChatUserId = 0;
currentUserRead = false;
lastMessage = null;
prefix = "[tgcli";
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Closing chat.");
var count = missedMessages.Count;
if (count == 0)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}" + $"[tgcli] You have {count} missed message" + $"{(count == 1 ? "." : "s.")}");
public class HistoryCommand : Command {
public HistoryCommand() : base("h", "", "shows chat history. default limit is 5", "[1-50]", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
List<TdApi.Message> history;
if (inputParams.Count == 1 && int.TryParse(inputParams[0], out var limit)) {
history = GetHistory(currentChatId, Math.Min(limit, 50));
while (limit > 50) {
limit -= 50;
history.InsertRange(0, GetHistory(currentChatId, Math.Min(limit, 50), history.First().Id));
else {
history = GetHistory(currentChatId);
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Last {history.Count} messages in " + $"{GetChat(currentChatId).Title}");
foreach (var msg in history) {
public class ClearCommand : Command {
public ClearCommand() : base("cl", "^L", "clears console", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
lock (@lock) {
public class UnreadsCommand : Command {
public UnreadsCommand() : base("u", "", "displays unread chat", "[all]", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var unreads = GetUnreadChats(inputParams.Count == 1 && inputParams[0].Equals("all"));
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] You have {unreads.Count} unread chats.");
unreads.ForEach(chat => {
string line;
if (chat.UnreadCount == 0)
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Yellow}[M] {chat.Title}";
else if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret)
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Red}[{chat.UnreadCount}] [sec] {chat.Title}";
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Green}[{chat.UnreadCount}] {chat.Title}";
public class ListChatsCommand : Command {
public ListChatsCommand() : base("lc", "", "lists all chats, optionally filtered", "[query]", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var chats = GetChats();
lock (@lock) {
if (inputParams.Count > 0) {
var query = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
chats = chats.FindAll(p => p.Title.ToLower().Contains(query.ToLower()));
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Listing {chats.Count} chats.");
chats.ForEach(chat => {
string line;
if (chat.UnreadCount == 0)
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Blue}[0] {chat.Title}";
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Green}[{chat.UnreadCount}] {chat.Title}";
public class SearchUserCommand : Command {
public SearchUserCommand() : base("s", "", "searches for users globally", "<query>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
var query = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
var chats = SearchChatsGlobal(query);
chats = chats.FindAll(p => p.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypePrivate);
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Listing {chats.Count} chats.");
chats.ForEach(chat => {
string line;
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
var type = (TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypePrivate)chat.Type;
var user = GetUser(type.UserId);
2023-01-14 04:32:36 +01:00
line = $"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Yellow}@{user.Usernames.ActiveUsernames.First()} {Ansi.Magenta}{chat.Title}";
public class AddContactCommand : Command {
public AddContactCommand() : base("ac", "", "adds user to contact list", "<username>", 1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var query = inputParams[0];
var chat = GetChatByUsernameGlobal(query);
if (chat.Type is TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypePrivate type)
//TODO implement when TDLib 1.6 is released
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Username does not refer to a user.");
public class ListSecretChatsCommand : Command {
public ListSecretChatsCommand() : base("ls", "", "displays all open secret chats", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
var secretChats = GetSecretChats();
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Listing {secretChats.Count} secret chats:");
2019-12-17 12:04:56 +01:00
secretChats.ForEach(chat => {
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Bold}{Ansi.Red}[sec] {chat.Title} -> {chat.Id} ({GetSecretChat(((TdApi.ChatType.ChatTypeSecret)chat.Type).SecretChatId).State.DataType})");
2019-12-17 12:04:56 +01:00
public class HelpCommand : Command {
public HelpCommand() : base("help", "", "lists all commands", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
lock (@lock) {
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Yellow}[tgcli] Listing {CommandManager.Commands.Count} commands:");
CommandManager.Commands.ForEach(command => {
var commandText = $"/{command.trigger}";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.syntax))
commandText += $" {command.syntax}";
commandText += $": {command.description}";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.shortcut))
commandText += $" ({command.shortcut})";
public class QuitCommand : Command {
public QuitCommand() : base("q", "^D", "quits the program", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
quitting = true;
public class EditCommand : Command {
public EditCommand() : base("e", "", "edits last message. param empty adds last message to inputline", "[message]", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
try {
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
SetInputLine("/e " + ((TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText)lastMessage?.Content)?.Text?.Text);
Emojis.ForEach(em => SetInputLine(currentInputLine.Replace(em.Item2, em.Item1)));
var message = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
if (lastMessage == null) {
//try to find last message
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50);
var last = history.LastOrDefault(p => p.IsOutgoing);
if (last == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No message to edit found, cannot continue.");
lastMessage = last;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No message specified, cannot continue.");
EditMessage(message, lastMessage);
catch {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Unknown error editing message.");
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
public class MeCommand : Command {
public MeCommand() : base("me", "", "sends an action message", "<message>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
try {
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
var message = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No message specified, cannot continue.");
var user = client.GetMeAsync().Result;
var username = user.Usernames?.ActiveUsernames?.FirstOrDefault() ?? user.FirstName;
SendMessage($"* {username} {message}", currentChatId);
catch {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Unknown error sending action messsage.");
public class ReplyCommand : Command {
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
public ReplyCommand() : base("r", "", "matches message in history to reply to", "<message query>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
try {
if (inputParams.Count == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50);
var query = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
var result = history.Where(m => m.Content is TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText)
2023-01-15 03:08:14 +01:00
.FirstOrDefault(m => ((TdApi.MessageContent.MessageText)m.Content).Text.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(query.ToLower()));
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
if (result == null) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No match found.");
SetInputLine($"/rd {result.Id} ");
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
catch {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Unknown error searching for message.");
public class ReplyOffsetCommand : Command {
public ReplyOffsetCommand() : base("ro", "", "replies to message", "<offset> <message>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
try {
if (inputParams.Count < 2) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
var history = GetHistory(currentChatId, 50);
var parsed = int.TryParse(inputParams[0], out var offset);
var message = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
if (!parsed || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || history.Count < offset) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
var replyMessage = history[offset - 1];
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
SendMessage(message, currentChatId, replyMessage.Id);
catch {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Unknown error sending message.");
public class ReplyDirectCommand : Command {
public ReplyDirectCommand() : base("rd", "", "replies to message by id", "<id> <message>", -1) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
try {
if (inputParams.Count < 2) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
if (currentChatId == 0) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] No open chat, cannot continue.");
2019-12-21 22:20:41 +01:00
var parsed = long.TryParse(inputParams[0], out var replyId);
var message = inputParams.Aggregate((current, param) => current + " " + param).Trim();
if (!parsed || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}Invalid syntax, check /help for more information.");
SendMessage(message, currentChatId, replyId);
catch {
lock (@lock)
messageQueue.Add($"{Ansi.Red}[tgcli] Unknown error sending message.");
public class LogoutCommand : Command {
public LogoutCommand() : base("logout", "", "log out this session (destroys all local data)", "", 0) { }
public override void Handler(List<string> inputParams) {
2023-01-14 04:32:36 +01:00