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@model PrivacyModel
ViewData["Title"] = "Privacy Policy";
<p>The only cookies we store on your device is a session identifier, which is used to access information related to your session on the server, as well as CSRF Antiforgery tokens.</p>
<p>We do not track you, nor use external services that do.</p>
<p>This is not a public service. Therefore we do not save any data in your session unless you log in. For registered users, the following data is stored in our database:</p>
<li>Data visible in the interface (trips, tickets, cards)</li>
<li>Your username and hashed password</li>
<li>Order IDs for tickets and cards stored</li>
<li>Card class and value for cards stored</li>
<p>If you have any further questions, contact us at <a href=""></a></p>