using J = System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonPropertyNameAttribute; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace; [ApiController, Route("/blog/feed.json")] public class JsonFeed : Controller { public static readonly JsonFeedObject Feedobj = new JsonFeedObject { Items = BlogModel.Posts.Take(10).Select(post => new JsonFeedItem(post.Shorthand, $"{post.Shorthand}", post.Title, post.Content, post.PublishedOn.ToDateTime(TimeOnly.MinValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddT00:00:00Z"))) .ToList() }; [HttpGet] public JsonFeedObject Get() { Response.ContentType = "application/json"; return Feedobj; } public class JsonFeedObject { [J("version")] public string Version => ""; [J("language")] public string Language => "en"; [J("title")] public string Title => " >> blog"; [J("description")] public string Description => "Blog of a disabled neurodivergent queer person unhappy with the state of the world"; [J("home_page_url")] public string HomeUrl => ""; [J("feed_url")] public string FeedUrl => ""; // TODO: favicon/icon [J("items")] public List Items { get; init; } = new(); } public class JsonFeedItem { public JsonFeedItem(string id, string url, string title, string contentHtml, string datePublished) { _id = id; _url = url; _title = title; _contentHtml = contentHtml; _datePublished = datePublished; } [J("id")] public string _id { get; } [J("url")] public string _url { get; } [J("title")] public string _title { get; } [J("content_html")] public string _contentHtml { get; } [J("date_published")] public string _datePublished { get; } } }