
35 lines
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@page "/blog"
@model BlogModel
ViewData["title"] = "blog";
ViewData["desc"] = "Blog of a disabled neurodivergent queer person unhappy with the state of the world.";
@section head {
<link rel="alternate" title="zotan.pw >> blog" type="application/json" href="/blog/feed.json"/>
<link rel="alternate" title="zotan.pw >> blog" type="application/atom+xml" href="/blog/feed.atom"/>
<p>Hey there, welcome to the blog of a disabled neurodivergent queer person unhappy with the state of the world.</p>
<p>This is where I post about things that make it somewhat fun, things that help me with life in general or just things I felt like sharing.</p>
<p>This blog is available as <a href="/blog/feed.json">JSONFeed</a> (preferred) and <a href="/blog/feed.atom">Atom</a> for subscribing with your feed reader of choice.</p>
<h1 id="posts">Posts</h1>
@foreach (var post in BlogModel.Posts) {
<strong>@post.PublishedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")</strong> <a href="/blog/@post.Shorthand">@post.Title</a>
@section postfooter {
<a href="/blog/feed.json" target="_blank" class="imagelink">
<img src="/files/jsonfeed.png" height="31px" alt="JSONFeed"/>
<a href="/blog/feed.atom" target="_blank" class="imagelink">
<img src="/files/valid-atom.png" alt="[Valid Atom 1.0]"/>