
61 lines
1.7 KiB

using System.Reflection;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace zotanpw.Backend;
public static class Utils {
public static readonly string Version =
((AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()!.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute), false)[0])
public static readonly string LinkVersion = Version[..8];
// Works up to 79, doubt i'll have >=80 minute read time blog posts
public static string a_an(int number) {
if (number >= 80)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(number));
return number switch {
8 => "an",
11 => "an",
18 => "an",
_ => "a"
public static string ToXmlString(this SyndicationFeedFormatter feed) {
using var sw = new StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding.UTF8);
using (var xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, new XmlWriterSettings { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 }))
return sw.ToString();
private sealed class StringWriterWithEncoding : StringWriter {
public StringWriterWithEncoding(Encoding encoding) => Encoding = encoding;
public override Encoding Encoding { get; }
public static string Truncate(this string input, int maxLen, string truncateMarker = "...") {
var markerLength = truncateMarker.Length;
if (maxLen < 1 + markerLength)
maxLen = 1 + markerLength;
return input.Length <= maxLen ? input : input[..(maxLen - markerLength)] + truncateMarker;
public static string GetUntil(this string input, string stopAt) {
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) {
if (!input.Contains(stopAt))
return input;
var charLocation = input.IndexOf(stopAt, StringComparison.Ordinal);
return input[..++charLocation];
return string.Empty;